25 Jun 2024

When & How The United Africa Was Dismantled - Farrakhan Speech - Part 1 + Part 2 - The BRICS & Gadaffi

"None of us can trust the United Nations [UN] again, because it is a pawn of the western world. ...That thing, 'who let the dogs out?' what has just been done [the killing of Gadaffi] has let the dogs of destruction, out." - Farrakhan

speaknsee: Africa Gaddafi and Lois Farrakhan speech that still making waves as for history to not repeat itself. The United States of Africa is in full swing once again.



Part 2 Louis Farrakhan The BRICS & Gadaffi

speaknsee: Episode 2 on the United States of Africa history with Louis Farrakhan. The Muammar Gaddafi gold, economy and vision for African self reliance.

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