8 Jun 2024

Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up Of The Jews' War Crimes

Story #1: State Dept Official Resigns Over “FalsifiedReport Claiming Israel Not Blocking Gaza Aid https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/86000/state-dept-official-resigns-over-falsified-report-claiming-israel-not-blocking-aid-to.html

Biden: People Have ‘Every Reason’ To Believe Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu Is Prolonging Gaza Genocide To Please His Fellow Jewish Super Racists To Stay In Power https://news.antiwar.com/2024/06/04/biden-people-have-every-reason-to-believe-netanyahu-is-prolonging-gaza-war-to-stay-in-power/

Reports Suggest The Jews Are Gearing Up For War In The Lebanon https://news.antiwar.com/2024/06/04/reports-suggest-israel-is-gearing-up-for-lebanon-war/

Story #2: China “Prepositioning” for Future Cyberattacks – and New NSA Chief Is Worried https://archive.is/Pw3re

Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes

First Draft of UN Cybercrime Convention Drops Troubling Provisions, But Dangerous And Open-Ended Cross Border Surveillance Powers Are Still on the Table

CyberPolygon Technical Training

Beyond Pegasus: The Bigger Picture of Israeli Cyber Spying

Wyden to Block Senate Vote on New NSA, Cyber Command Lead

U.S. Disables Chinese Hacking Operation That Targeted Critical Infrastructure

Leaked Hacking Documents Show China’s Focus on Tracking Ethnic Minorities

Critical Infrastructure

Story #3: NJ Gym Owner Who Defied COVID Shutdown Cleared of All Charges After Years-Long Legal Battle

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