30 Jun 2024

At Last Zelensky Talks Ukraine CAPITULATION! Says Too Many Wounded And Dead; Doesn't Want War For Years

Volodymyr Zelensky, former President of Ukraine whose term of Office expired on May 21, went on TV yesterday and made clear Ukraine has too many wounded and dead; they do not want the war with Russia to continue . . .

By Hal Turner: His English language skills are not the best, but what he says is quite dramatic:

“We don't have too much time because we have a lot of wounded and dead people on the battlefield and among civilians. That's why we don't want to have this war continue for years. We want to prepare this joint plan and put it on the table for the next peace summit.”

Where is the so-called "main-stream media?"   Why has not a single TV Network in the United States, Britain or the rest of Europe reported this?

Incidentally, this has been CONFIRMED by the Kiev Post Newspaper:





X art by Bob Moran

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