9 Jul 2024

Keir Zio-Shill Starmer's Plans To Push WEF Agenda! + Labour Business Secretary INSULTS 4 MILLION VOTERS On BBC

Reasoned: Keir Starmer is so obsessed with the WEF that he copies the leaders' speech lines almost word for word. Britain needs a 'reset', he said in his first speech in Downing Street, which is strangely similar to Schwab's words pushing the WEF's agenda. Keir Starmer is so obsessed with the WEF that he says he prefers Davos to Westminster. With Keir Starmer cosying up to the WEF, and David Lammy cosying up to the EU, is Britain doomed? Are we destined to get closer and closer to undemocratic international bodies under Labour? Could we even rejoin the EU under David Lammy? They scrapped Rwanda overnight; maybe they'll scrap Brexit overnight... Chloe Dobbs reacts.



Labour Business Secretary INSULTS 4 MILLION VOTERS On BBC

"Listen to this garbage."

Reasoned: The new business secretary Jonathan Reynolds has shown his true colours on Laura Kuensberg's BBC [British Brainwashing Creeps] show: he basically just called 4 million voters uneducated. He suggested people who voted Reform are nice people who accidentally voted for the bad guys because they didn't know what their evil policies were. Reform voters knew exactly what they were voting for: unlike a huge proportion of Labour voters who didn't give a toss about Labour's policies but just wanted to kick out the Tories.

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