8 Sept 2024

Jewish Israel Regime Accused Of Committing A SHOCKING NEW War Crime!

KernowDamo: Investigation by Amnesty International has exposed a shocking new war cime in Gaza happening under everyone's noses. Right, so if you’d been thinking that Israel surely must have run out of war crimes to commit by now after 11 months of razing Gaza to the ground, you might be surprised to learn that they now stand accused of an all new one, although it does actually relate to razing Gaza to the ground, because it’s how they’ve been doing that, where they’ve been doing that in particular that has exposed them.

Forget the excuses to be destroying structures in Gaza from housing, to hospitals to churches and mosques to schools because these buildings are being used as Hamas weapons caches and bases, that excuse, which has worn tediously thin by now has been blown apart, because this hasn’t been random destruction in the name of eliminating Hamas, what they’ve done instead is indulge in wanton destruction in Gaza and there has been a specific pattern to it.

Right, so wanton destruction, a form of collective punishment against Palestinian civilians, has been identified as a new war crime being committed by Israel thanks to an investigation that has been ongoing by Amnesty International, who have examined the destruction meted out by Israel as it has progressed down the length of the Gaza Strip since last October, through to May of this year and the results have been startling. 

Here's a map of the pattern identified, showing the significant clearing not just of buildings but of agricultural land as well all along the border of Gaza and Israel with the red indicating structures and the yellow indicating land, all of which has been razed to the point 90% of all structures in that area have been destroyed and isn’t it wonderfully uniform?

What Israel have done is create a wider buffer zone between the Israeli border and anything that in the very loosest sense of the term, remains standing and potentially habitable. A strip within the strip, that is anywhere between 1km and 1.8km wide and covering a total area of some 58 sq km, which equates to something like 16% of the total land area of Gaza. Here’s an excerpt from Amnesty International’s report: ‘The Israeli military’s campaign to significantly expand a “buffer zone” along the eastern perimeter of the occupied Gaza Strip should be investigated as the war crimes of wanton destruction and of collective punishment, Amnesty International said in a new investigation.

Using bulldozers and manually laid explosives, the Israeli military has unlawfully destroyed agricultural land and civilian buildings, razing entire neighbourhoods, including homes, schools and mosques. By analysing satellite imagery and videos posted by Israeli soldiers on social media between October 2023 and May 2024, Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab identified newly cleared land along Gaza’s eastern boundary, ranging from approximately 1km to 1.8km wide.

In some videos, Israeli soldiers are seen posing for pictures or toasting in celebration as buildings are demolished in the background. “The Israeli military’s relentless campaign of ruin in Gaza is one of wanton destruction...

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