5 Oct 2024

Scientists Identify New Protein That Drives Age-Related Blindness, Uncover Potential Therapy

"I think we identified something that can target early-stage disease... That’s a big deal..."

Authored by Cara Michelle Miller: Researchers have identified a protein that may prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to a new study published in the Developmental Cell on Oct. 2.

AMD is the leading cause of vision loss among older adults, affecting nearly 20 million Americans. As the population ages, this number is expected to rise significantly. Currently, there are no treatments that can stop AMD’s progression.

I think we identified something that can target early-stage disease. ... That’s a big deal,” the study’s lead author Ruchira Singh, an associate professor of ophthalmology at the University of Rochester in New York, told The Epoch Times.

The study used human stem cells rather than animal models, which may give a more accurate depiction of what is happening in AMD, according to the researchers.

Older research methods have been limited in their ability to capture important aspects of either healthy or diseased human cells,” Singh noted.

Researchers Identify the Protein Driving AMD

The researchers extracted human stem cells from healthy people and AMD patients and programmed them into cells lining the retina.

Compared to healthy people, AMD patients’ retinal cells overproduced a type of protein called tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 (TIMP3), which leads to a buildup of fats and proteins called drusen. Drusen are a marker of early-stage AMD.

Investigating War Crimes In Gaza, World's First Live Genocide

European Faux Hebrew White Neo-Jews' Israel Regime's Gaza Mega Concentration Camp For Indigenous Christians & Muslims

Al Jazeera English: This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes the European Faux Hebrew White Neo-Jews' war crimes in the Gaza mega concentration camp through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year long conflict.
The I-Unit has built up a database of thousands of videos, photos and social media posts. Where possible it has identified the posters and those who appear.
The material reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighbourhoods and murder.

Christian Resistance Against Zionism - Ghadi Francis And Kevork Almassian

"We are actual Semites, the Christians of this land are the Semites of this land, the actual holy land."

vanessa beeley

Never-Ending Middle East Escalator

Story #1: Iran Fires At Least 180 Missiles Into Israel As Regionwide Conflict Grows https://apnews.com/article/israel-lebanon-hezbollah-gaza-news-10-01-2024-eb175dff6e46906caea8b9e43dfbd3da

US Will Ensure Iran Faces ‘Severe Consequences’ For Attacking Israel https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/01/sullivan-us-will-ensure-iran-faces-severe-consequences-for-attacking-israel/

Sen. Graham Calls For US To Strike Iranian Oil Sites In Response To Attack On Israel https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/01/sen-graham-calls-for-us-to-strike-iranian-oil-sites-in-response-to-attack-on-israel/

At This Time In The World There Is Only One Important Decision Waiting to be Made

'The neoconservativesagenda of hegemony has produced a more dangerous situation than the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Washington has not acted to defuse the crisis.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Except for the neoconservatives whose agenda it is, I sometimes wonder if I am the only other person who understands what the Ukraine conflict is about. While we await Washington’s decision about firing missiles into Russia, I will explain how we reached the current crisis.

In 2007 Washington declared war on Russia without announcing it. Putin provoked Washington’s secret declaration of war when he rejected Washington’s uni-polar hegemony at the Munich Security Conference.

Washington’s first attack was a year later when, while Putin was distracted at the Beijing Olympics, Washington sent a US trained and equipped Georgian army into South Ossetia. The purpose was not to defeat Russia militarily. Instead, it was a calculated risk that Putin might stand down and to avoid a military conflict that the West could misrepresent as restoring the Soviet Empire, and allow the Russian protectorate to be absorbed into Georgia. The American neoconservatives were gambling with lives not their own that Putin and thereby Russia would be weakened by giving in, thus opening more paths of aggression against Russia.

The neoconservatives’ plot against Putin might have worked except the Georgian invaders killed Russian peace-keepers. In 2008 Putin was trying to resurrect Russian pride, which was lost with the Soviet collapse 1991, and could not turn his back on dead Russian soldiers in South Ossetia. He returned from China, sent in an army, and smashed the US trained and equipped Georgian army in 5 days.

4 Oct 2024

Everything Woke With Th3Birdman


Governed By Psychopaths & LIARS

Godfrey Bloom exposes more hypocrisy and terrible decisions by Labour under Keir Starmer.

US-Israel Rampage In The Middle East: Barreling Towards World War 3

Empire Files: Journalist Séamus Malekafzali joins Abby Martin to talk about Israel's invasion of Lebanon, the assassination of Nasrallah, and the potential for war with Iran. They are also joined by Empire Files producer Mike Prysner.

National Disgrace Starmer Lies His Pants Off For Israel! + Israel Have Just Invited The MOTHER Of All Retaliations!

"Prime Minister Keir Starmer, lying through his teeth to the entire nation, not for the first time obviously with his loose relationship with the truth, but he might as well have been draped in the blue and white flag of Israel as he gave that drivelish speech"

KernowDamo: Keir Starmer has told one of the most egregious and dangerous lies ever and he needs to be held to account for it.

Right, so Keir Starmer has just told in my view the most egregious and dangerous lie he’s ever told. What he’s done is not in the interests of peace or national security, or global relations, what he’s done is effectively public relations for the most moral army in the world the Israeli Defence to actually demonstrate just how utterly immoral it is, by telling a pack of lies in order to justify more aggression against their neighbouring states and driving the risk of wider scale conflict up even higher.

What he has said to the nation should be the end of him as Prime Minister, because he’s clearly not running this in country in our interests, but in the blatant interest of another state entirely, I cannot overestimate the ramifications of what he’s now done, you have to see it to believe it, you might have missed it if you’ve seen this already, and I apologise in advance to anybody of a sensitive disposition, I give you advance warning, because I am about to show a clip of Keir Starmer and I realise some of you may find this upsetting.

"Israel Took Up The Sword, Now It'll Perish By The Sword" US Marine Scott Ritter

"Everybody knows the truth, the Jewish emperor has no clothes!"

Redacted: US Marine Scott Ritter says the Jews' decision to assassinate Iranian leaders who were negotiating peace will lead to the inevitable destruction of the Israel and the collapse of the Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu government.

I Spoke With Kamala's Uncle!

Candace Owens

Most Americans Want To Stop Arming Israel - Politicians Don’t Care

The number of Americans opposed to sending arms to Israel has grown, month after month, as the brutal genocide on Gaza grinds on.

Jonah Valdez: When Kamala Harris sat down with CNN’s Dana Bash last month, Bash asked a question: “Would you withhold some U.S. weapons shipments to Israel? That’s what a lot of people on the progressive left want you to do.”

Harris sidestepped the question, talked about a ceasefire, and ultimately said that she would not change course from the Biden administration’s policy of arming Israel as its war on Gaza enters its 11th month.

But polls of the American voting population show that she’s ignoring more than just the “progressive left”: A majority of voters support ending arms transfers to Israel, and support for an arms embargo is growing.

“The reality is that the public is far more in favor of stopping arms sales to Israel than opposed,” Yousef Munayyer, head of the Palestine/Israel Program at Arab Center Washington D.C., told The Intercept. He pointed to a June poll from CBS that showed 61 percent of all Americans said the U.S. should not send weapons to Israel, including 77 percent of Democrats and nearly 40 percent of Republicans.

Poll results have been consistent for months.

Since the start of the war in Gaza, a majority of Americans have expressed support for some form of restrictions on the U.S. sending weapons to Israel in repeated public surveys. Americans are even more overwhelmingly in favor of a ceasefire.

The "COUGAR" Epidemic: Young Men Are Dating Older Women

The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts

Jews Had Their Arses Handed To Them When They Tried To Invade The Lebanon

First Direct Ground Confrontation Between Israel [white neo-Jews from Northers Europe pretending to be Hebrews] and Hezb-Allah [super cool Lebanese indigenous resistance group Party of God set up in order to defend against the attacks of the colonialist white neo-Jews] in The Lebanon; 14 Dead 20+ wounded white neo-Jews - Israel terror regime Ambassador to Cyprus Kidnapped!

By Hal Turner: Reports have come in overnight claiming there are 4 dead and 20 wounded Israeli soldiers after a failed attempt to enter the Lebanese border town of al-Aadaysit.

Hezbollah reportedly fired 2 Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs) and then fired directly at the invading group.

This is the first on the ground confrontation between the two sides since Israel began forcibly entering southern Lebanon.

There was also a large Hezballah barrage of rockets/missiles against the frontlines at Shlomi and northern Haifa.

"Israel Has More Enemies Than EVER Before" Lowkey

v Openly pro apartheid and pro genocide Shabbos Goy Piers Morgan

3 Oct 2024

Russia's Bold Support To Tehran After Missile Strike On Israel + Iran President’s Hamas Move; Plan To Jointly Strike Israel

West Thinks Iranian Attack Started It…’

Hindustan Times: In a recent statement during an UN media stakeout, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia emphasised Iran's remarkable restraint over the past two months amidst escalating tensions with Israel. He noted that Iran's missile attack on Israel did not occur in a vacuum, highlighting the complex backdrop of regional conflicts and provocations. This attack is seen as a direct response to the recent killings of key Iranian and Hezbollah leaders, which have intensified hostilities between the nations. Watch the video for details. Watch the video for details.



Iran & Israel EXPLODE In Major Escalation!

"Who's the warmongering terrorist in the Middle East? Spoiler alert, it's ISRAEL!"

Jimmy Dore

Washington Has Criminalized Truth

 “I AM NOT FREE TODAY BECAUSE THE SYSTEM WORKED, I AM FREE BECAUSE I PLED GUILTY TO JOURNALISM” – declared journalist Julian Assange in his first statement as a free man at Council of Europe after 14 years fighting Washington’s threat of extradition and more than 5 years of incarceration for exposing U.S. war crimes.

“The truth now seems less discernible, and I regret how much ground has been lost during that time period. How expressing the truth has been undermined, attacked, weakened and diminished

“I see more retaliation for telling truth, and more self-censorship. It’s hard not to draw a line from the U.S. government’s persecution of me, its crossing the Rubicon by internationally criminalizing journalism to the chilled climate for freedom of expression existing now.”— Julian Assange.

Massive Iranian Missile Strike ‘Completely Destroys’ Israeli F-35 Base Nevatim: Stealth Fighters Destroyed

The US and British regimes represent Israel and immigrant-invaders and no one else.

PCR: According to the report below, Iran has dealt Israel a devastating blow. Other reports say the strike was more measured and more limited.

According to the Jews there was no significant damage.

The moron who serves as Biden regime national security advisor says Washington is ready to go to war against Iran in Israel’s defense. But Washington will not defend America’s border. It seems the Democrat regime represents Israel and immigrant-invaders and no one else.


Massive Iranian Missile Strike ‘Completely Destroys’ Israeli F-35 Base Nevatim: Stealth Fighters Destroyed

Photo: Some white Northern European guys pretending to be Hebrews from the Middle East.

Military Watch Magazine Editorial Staff: A massive Iranian ballistic missile strike on targets in Israel launched on October 1 has targeted Nevatim Air Base, among other key targets in the country. The facility hosts both of the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 fifth generation fighter squadrons, and was previously intended to host a third squadron of the fighters after they were delivered. Iranian media sources have reported that the facility was “completely destroyed” in the attack. Footage from Israel has confirmed the impact of dozens of ballistic missiles which Israel’s air defence network failed to shoot down, with targets impacted including the headquarters of the intelligence agency Mossad, located in Tel Aviv which was levelled by the attack.

Kamala’s Family Reaches Out!

Candace Owens: We have new updates in the Kamala case and a new contact!

Julian Assange's First Public Statement Since Prison Release

SBS: Julian Assange says he was freed after years of incarceration because he "pled guilty to journalism". "I am not free today because the system worked," the Australian WikiLeaks founder said during an address to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, on Tuesday — his first public remarks since he was released from prison. He has been giving evidence to its Parliamentary Assembly, which includes parliamentarians from 46 European countries, on his detention and conviction and their effects on human rights.

Iran Attack On Israel Exposes Western Racism

"The Jews' missiles are designed to give their victims hugs and kisses. Unlike Iran's"

Owen Jones: It isn't even subtle.

2 Oct 2024

Hezb-Allah [The Party Of God] - Who Are They? Not The Zio-Fascist White Neo-Jew Nobbled BBC Version

"Since 2006 Hesb-Allah [The Party Of God] has been in alliance with the country's largest Christian-based political party, the Free Patriotic Movement [FPM], who's leader Mitchel Aoun, is currently president of The Lebanon."

vanessa beeley

Lavrov Tells UN That The West Is On A Path To Destruction

Attempts to fight with Russia are suicidal: Lavrov’s main statements at the UN General Assembly session

PCR: Lavrov said that the United States is preparing Europe for a suicidal adventure against the Russian Federation

Lavrov declared the senselessness of “suicidal attempts” to fight to victory with the Russian Federation

At the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke about the futility of conducting military operations against Russia, emphasizing its status as a nuclear power. He also called on countries offering peace initiatives to resolve the conflict in Ukraine to take into account the root causes of the crisis. These and other statements of Lavrov — in the article URA.RU.

The suicidal adventure of the West

Sergey Lavrov expressed the opinion that London and Washington are setting Europe up for a conflict with Moscow, which he described as a “suicidal adventure.” Lavrov mentioned that there is a goal to hit Russia strategically, comparing the current intentions with the secretly developed “Unthinkable” plan in May 1945, which aimed to destroy the Soviet Union. The minister noted that unlike in the past, modern Anglo-Saxon strategies do not hide their intentions and, although they currently expect to defeat Russia with the help of the Kiev regime, which he called neo-Nazi and illegitimate, they also prepare Europe for participation in this conflict.

Apartheid & Genocide Supporting Ultra Zio-Fascist Starmer Releases Video To Expresses Solidarity With Israel Regime

Janta Ka Reporter: British Prime Minister Keir 'Shabbos Goy' Starmer has issued an extraordinary video statement late in the night to express his solidarity with Israel and condemn Iran for missile attacks.



Who Is Kamala’s Father?

Candace Owens: We look into some mysteries around Kamala's father and Lebanon fires missiles into white neo-Jew occupied Palestine aka 'Israel'.

John Helmer Reporting From Moscow Indicates That Putin Is Preparing Russia’s Surrender

Will this be Putin’s legacy?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: From the beginning of the Ukraine conflict I have said that Putin would have to conquer Ukraine or surrender. The latest information from Moscow suggests that Putin has chosen to surrender, with surrender defined by Putin giving up enough of his goals for the Special Military Operation to get a peace agreement. How many and what they would be is not known.

At first glance, if Putin has made such a choice, it is an honorable, humane decision that places the life of the planet above Russian national sovereignty. Putin, of course, will not get any credit for it. The official narrative will be a defeated Russia got the best deal it could.` But at second glance, Putin’s surrender to the West merely kicks the can down the road.

Putin’s surrender could undermine his support and Russian unity and encourage Washington’s effort to breakup the Russian Federation into several small countries that lack the ability to serve as a constraint on American hegemony. The Russian military is opposed to trading concessions for peace, and Putin has removed one of his critics.

Helmer reports that one month after the Russia-Ukraine conflict began, Putin, who has no taste for war, sent a peacemaker, Vladimir Medinsky, to Instanbul to negotiate peace with Ukraine. Medinsky appears to be an Atlanticist Integrationist, who thinks Russia can build bridges to the West with cultural exhibitions, orchestral and ballet performances, and museum exhibits. Apparently, he believes this despite the Wests’s ban on any semblance of Russian culture, including Olympic athletes.

The Russian military rejected the peace terms Medinsky negotiated in Turkey. Fortunately for Putin, Washington made Ukraine reject them, saving Putin from a confrontation with the Russian military.

Now approaching three years of a conflict that a real national leader would have ended in 3 weeks, Putin has his back to the wall. There is no space left to which to retreat. Faced with US/NATO missiles fired into Russia, Putin says it means World War. If Putin backs down again, Russia is finished.

1 Oct 2024

The 'Cougar' Epidemic - Young Men Dating Older Women



Jews Leave Shelters After Effective Iranian Reprisal Attack Of 180 Ballistic Missiles; IDF Says Preparing To Hit Back


  • Common estimates show the attack on Jew occupied Palestine aka 'Israel' involved at least 180 ballistic missiles. The Pentagon says about 200, or about twice the size of the prior April attack.

  • The waves of launches constituted the largest missile strike on 'Israel' by Iran in history.

  • IRGC is claiming that 90% of missiles successfully hit their targets in Israel.

  • There were confirmed strikes on the ground, but no official casualties reported.

  • Israel's emergency authorities have lifted all restrictions, and people in Tel Aviv have emerged from bomb shelters and returned to the streets.

  • White House says Iranian attack on Israel apparently "defeated and ineffective".

  • Sullivan says there will be consequences for the attack, and US is consulting Israel on next steps or a potential response

  • Axios' Barak Ravid has told CNN that he expects major Israeli retaliation strikes on Iran to come within the next several hours.

  • Iranian state TV says hypersonic Fatah missiles were used in the attack.

  • Iran's President on X stated he does not seek war but will face any threat from Israel firmly.

  • Iran has said it gave no prior warning to US, but it did consult with Russia.

  • The IDF is vowing to 'strike powerfully' at targets in the Middle East.

  • IDF spox: "Iran carried out a serious act tonight and is pushing the Middle East to an escalation. We will act at the place and time of our choosing, in accordance with the guidance of the political echelon."

  • IDF spox: "Tonight’s event will have consequences."

  •  Iran-backed Iraqi militias say if the US takes part in “any hostile action” then US bases will come under attack.

FBI Insider: Elite Planning 'Doomsday Attack' To Kill Millions Of 'Non-Compliant' Citizens

"January 6th was a false flag event by US government agent provocateurs!"

TPV: The World Economic Forum and globalists have completely infiltrated our alphabet agencies, and they are scheming a false flag attack on America that is set to leave 9/11 in the shade.

But don’t just take my word for it.

This alarming information comes from FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen, who has issued a chilling warning about an imminent doomsday attack. His predictions align with those of Klaus Schwab and the global elite, who anticipate a mass casualty event aimed at disrupting the upcoming November election.

And it gets even darker when you realize that these attacks appear to be starting right now.

Kamala Must Answer For This Deranged Lie

"Trump was always standing up to the media complex on behalf of Michael Jackson who was proven to be innocent v anti-MJ Kamala."

Candace Owens: The lies get deeper as we dig further into Kamala's past and a former NBA player calls out LeBron for staying quiet on the Diddy situation.

UN Assembly WALKS OUT On Netanyahu Speech In Protest

"I want to say this out loud to the evil Jews. STOP THE BLOODSHED! Bibi The Baby Butcher, STOP YOUR GENOCIDE NOW!"

The Rational National: Breaking down the mass walkout at the UN General Assembly as Jewish PM Benjamin 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu took the podium for his speech, and the events that followed.

Men Don't Protect Women Anymore

The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts

The Awful White Neo-Jews Suck So Much Arse!

The genocidal white Neo-Jews are trying to steal The Lebanon now!

By Hal Turner: MULTIPLE Lebanon sources all independently reporting a massive Israel regime artillery barrage has begun across The Lebanon!

Lebanese analysts believe white neo-Jews will establish a 20km zone inside The Lebanon as the first primary goal of the the theft of the country.

-- A Lebanese military source confirms that there are unprecedented numbers of Israel apartheid regime tanks and vehicles on the other side of the border opposite Al Wazzani, The Lebanon.

-- The white neo-Jews chief in charge of religious genocide: "The elimination of Nasrallah is not the end of the war, the coming days will be testing days."

-- The Jews have notified their little bitch the US they intend to launch a limited ground incursion into The Lebanon as soon as today.


Israel death forces IDF are crossing The Lebanon's Border by force:

-- Israel regime has imposed a "CLOSED MILITARY ZONE" in northern Israel: "No Entry by Anyone"

Jordan Just Handed Netanyahu His Backside On A Plate!

Jordan has just given Israel and it's allies a massive headache as they drop a truthbomb at the UN none of them saw coming!

Right, so of all nations in the Middle East right now, one that has remained broadly neutral, even seen to be siding with Israel at times, has been Jordan. Perhaps it’s extremely close proximity to both Israel and the West Bank, being on the opposite side of the Jordan river as it is, might well explain it’s reasons for that for many, at the very least it hasn’t been the first country to spring to mind when people consider who are taking the fight to Israel, but there are more ways than taking up arms to take on another nation and a war of words has erupted at the UN courtesy of Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, which has gone almost completely without comment from our mainstream media here in the UK and it really warrants some coverage, because he absolutely nailed Israel’s true intentions, hammered Netanyahu for his drivel of a speech to the United Nations, essentially handing him his backside and telling the world that Israel cannot be allowed, cannot be permitted to hold the entire Middle East hostage as it seeks to broaden it’s war against Palestinian Occupied Territories and Lebanon.