4 Oct 2024

National Disgrace Starmer Lies His Pants Off For Israel! + Israel Have Just Invited The MOTHER Of All Retaliations!

"Prime Minister Keir Starmer, lying through his teeth to the entire nation, not for the first time obviously with his loose relationship with the truth, but he might as well have been draped in the blue and white flag of Israel as he gave that drivelish speech"

KernowDamo: Keir Starmer has told one of the most egregious and dangerous lies ever and he needs to be held to account for it.

Right, so Keir Starmer has just told in my view the most egregious and dangerous lie he’s ever told. What he’s done is not in the interests of peace or national security, or global relations, what he’s done is effectively public relations for the most moral army in the world the Israeli Defence to actually demonstrate just how utterly immoral it is, by telling a pack of lies in order to justify more aggression against their neighbouring states and driving the risk of wider scale conflict up even higher.

What he has said to the nation should be the end of him as Prime Minister, because he’s clearly not running this in country in our interests, but in the blatant interest of another state entirely, I cannot overestimate the ramifications of what he’s now done, you have to see it to believe it, you might have missed it if you’ve seen this already, and I apologise in advance to anybody of a sensitive disposition, I give you advance warning, because I am about to show a clip of Keir Starmer and I realise some of you may find this upsetting.

Right, so that was Keir Starmer, lying through his teeth to the entire nation, not for the first time obviously with his loose relationship with the truth, but he might as well have been draped in the blue and white flag of Israel as he gave that drivelish speech and the it’s the first words out of his mouth I want to draw most attention to, because what he said there was an egregious lie which does nothing towards working up a ceasefire or peaceful solution, but instead plays straight into Israel’s determination to keep the atrocities going and frankly that line could have been written for him by the IDF, except even Israel has actually disputed Starmer’s version of what happened when Iran retaliated against Israel on Sunday night. 

Starmer said over 200 ballistic missiles were fired at civilian targets by Iran. This is the lie. Not one civilian body, building or assembly was targeted by Iran at all.

Iran has stated repeatedly that their only targets both in this attack and the one in April were military ones, yet Starmer says all the targets were civilian ones. Israel has also reiterated this, confirming several airforce bases were hit and the only civilian damage done, was caused by shrapnel from their own interception missiles taking out Iranian ones. Many Iranian missiles hit their target according to Iran, most didn’t according to Israel, but nobody save for Keir Starmer has said Iran targeted civilians. 180 ballistic missiles and there is not one recorded civilian casualty of that strike, I don’t think there was even a military casualty, save for infrastructure.

Therefore even by Israel’s standards, Keir Starmer is yet again lying through his teeth. It is impossible to underestimate how unfit for office he is when he’s prepared to tell such lies on such actions as he is here, he’s an absolute lowlife who has not helped the peace process one iota and just deepens the rift in place between the UK and Iran completely unnecessarily.




Israel Have Just Invited The MOTHER Of All Retaliations!

KernowDamo: Israel does NOT want a ceasefire under any circumstances & having now proven that beyond doubt, they might have now gone too far... 

Right, so overnight we’ve had confirmation, as if we needed it really, that Israel absolutely does not want a ceasefire. It’s now beyond doubt because not only is he a dishonest broker in any ceasefire attempts, but he’s been prepared to use deadly force it seems not only to block any progress towards peace, but to further antagonise the world to widen the war he’s determined to keep going. Netanyahu’s lies have been exposed to fatal effect in order to specifically wreck any notions of peace, and where we might have been expecting that Israeli response to the Iranian air strike on Sunday night, they have instead chosen different targets entirely to focus last night’s aggression on and another desperate play by Netanyahu to drag another player into the war he is insisting on driving the Middle East towards and perhaps much further afield as well. He is a deranged madman and as much as I’ll always advocate for the diplomatic and negotiated solution, I struggle to see how Israel can be stopped by a guy for whom peace appears to mean the same as failure and who’s position is dependent on keeping the violence going.

Right, so that was Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Rashid Bou Habib speaking last night on PBS to Christiane Amanpour and he dropped one helluva bombshell there, because he just sat there and told Amanpour, that assassinated Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had agreed to a 21 day ceasefire, that had been brokered by France and the US and he alleged was also agreed to by Netanyahu as well, that is what Bou Habib claims Lebanon was told by the US and France, only for Israel to then launch the attack it did, which killed Nasrallah, along with some 2000 Lebanese civilians living in the 6 tower blocks Israel levelled in order to get to Nasrallah. That’s the value of Israel’s promises, of Israel’s word of Israel’s commitment to achieving peace. They don’t want anything of the sort. Now take that knowledge and cast your mind back to July, when Israel also assassinated Hamas negotiator Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, partly the reason for the Iranian attack on Israel’s military installations on Sunday night. The pragmatist in the Hamas leadership as he was regarded as, they guy who tempered the more firebrand Yahya Sinwar, who now leads Hamas without that negotiators influence, the guy who was also suing for peace.

That’s two peace negotiators Israel swept off the table. Attacking another sovereign state, even as our rubbish media here in the UK continues to kiss Israel’s backside, along with our politicians, claiming the attack by Iran was unprovoked, making out that Iran is some kind of warlike nation, when actually they haven’t deliberately started war themselves for literally hundreds of years and Israel are currently waging war on eight fronts and have certainly fired on at least 5 other nations in just the last few months.

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