18 Oct 2024

Putin: "The United States Is A Danger To Humanity"

'Russia has nuclear bomb shelters for forty million people throughout their country. We . . .  do not.'

By Hal Turner: At 6:30 AM eastern US time today, 17 October 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking in the Kremlin in Moscow, declared "The United States is a danger to Humanity."

A statement of that nature, being uttered by that particular national leader, is frightening (to me).

A man in his position - fully able to rid the world of such a danger - saying what he just said, seems to be a signal as to what the future may hold for us here in the United States.

Remember, the notion of "Mutual Assured Destruction" is no longer valid.  

For the past thirty years or so, Russia has gradually undertaken a complete re-building and replenishment of their nuclear bomb bunker system.

Russia has nuclear bomb shelters for forty million people throughout their country.  Of course, that's only about one-third of Russia's total population, but at least they HAVE such protection.  We . . .  do not.


Let me ask you a simple question: You're sitting at your kitchen table one day, and maybe you have a TV or radio on, or maybe you have your cell phone next to you, and all of a sudden, the Emergency Broadcast System comes on with its familiar BEEEEEEEP.   

But this time, instead of it being a monthly test, you hear "The United States is under nuclear attack by Russia, take shelter immediately."  

What is the first thing you would do?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

....................................................................................THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING.   

Most of us, have no idea at all.

Would you think to get your family?  And take them . . .  where? 

Remember these signs from when you were a kid?

We don't have them anymore.  They've been gone for years!

We don't HAVE any bomb shelters.  NONE.

The old Civil Defense System is long out of service.

So the fact that Vladimir Putin, who has more nuclear warheads in Russia than we have in the United States, has just said that we are a danger to humanity, ought to give you real pause.  

Because if he decides to remove that danger, HIS people have shelters, we do not.

That means THEY survive, we do not.

Get right with God.

Prepare as best you can with emergency food, water, medicine, a generator to keep your refrigerator running, fuel for that generator.  Communications gear like a CB radio or HAM radio.   A first aid kit. Flashlights for each family member of for each room in your house. SPARE BATTERIES for those flashlights.  A portable AM/FM radio for local news and information. SPARE BATTERIES for the radio.

A way to cook without electric or piped-in gas from a gas company.

A manual can opener.

These are the absolute minimum thigs you need to have to maybe keep you alive for a month.  If you don't have these things, you won't even have any chance of surviving. 

If you DO have them, depending on how much food and water you have, maybe you can survive a month or two.   Then what?

All this trouble because our public servants at the federal government level, won't stop meddling in the affairs of other countries.  It's gotten to the point where one of those countries has decided we are a "danger to humanity."  It goes downhill from here.

More as I get it. . .


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