29 Aug 2018

Female Incredible Hulk + Becoming A MGTOW - MGTOW

Mr. Anonymous says: "Hi Sandman, I have had alot of trouble with my 2 Prior Relationships that I had Children with 2 different Women. I have alot of Child Support Debt $75000+ even though I have been in My Children's lives since they were born even Taking My Daughters away from their Mom in 2011 because she was using drugs. At many times in my life raising the children I have to pay 2 and 3 times for things they needed because the Mothers would have let My children go without and blame it on me.
If I didn't buy them what they need even after they already received child support from me. My Debt accrued from a time when I was much younger as this all started in 2001 when My daughters were very young and I didn't make as much money as I do now. I was dysfunctional and realized somewhere around 2009 that I should try living alone as I had alot of trouble in my past relationships with Women. I figured I was not a good chooser of women. I wanted to know if you could do a video about this story I recently came across a Miss Shayna Hubers who killed her "Boyfriend" because he had a date with Miss Ohio Beauty pageant contestant. Even if he was cheating on her I don't believe he deserved what he got. This reminded me alot of My Daughters Mother who was a very Vengeful woman. I remember us fighting all the time and hardly making love. So much to the point I recall asking her why are we together if we don't love each other and all you want to do is punish me. Her response was I don't want you but I don't want any one else to have you. Even though I have all this debt I have to say that My peace of mind alone is worth it all not having to wake up to these ungrateful, angry, and bitter womens is like they say in the MasterCard commercial Priceless. Sorry for the long message but just wanted to give you some context. Thanks Regards" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and for sharing your story. I'll analyse your situation a bit before going through that other story you want me to cover as well as an article about domestic violence claiming that in Cornwall, in the UK 80% of individuals that die in domestic violence cases are men. First of all the two mothers of your children why didn't they buy your kids what they needed? Could it be that they were cheap or lazy or didn't have a mothering instinct? Or could it possibly be something more. What if they intentionally didn't provide for your kids because they either knew they could squeeze even more money because they knew you wouldn't want to see your children suffer? Or is it possible that they were trying to make your kids look bad to other people they knew or strangers so they would think that you weren't sending your kids enough money?

Becoming A MGTOW Monk
Jack and Donkey Kong. I'll cover Jacks first then get it on with Donkey Kong. So here's what Jack has to say: "Greetings Sandman. I'm 23, I was raised by a egotistical and self described "matriarchal" single mother who tried to indoctrinate me and my brother throughout childhood with beliefs that women were superior to men in virtually every way. (Those are her words) This was aided by her decision to raise us in a very rural area far from civilization, I had no male role models besides what I saw on TV. At a young age I sensed her BS and never listened to her, as a result I have little to no relationship with her today. I now live on my own with a small apartment, a career as an electrician, and drive a Camaro convertible. I'm conservatively a 8/10 in the looks department. I'm quite sarcastic, snarky, cynical and I generally treat everyone poorly. This, along with my love of working out has actually aided me in meeting and being intimate with lots of women. But if I ever got rejected or ignored by women it destroyed my self-esteem. I guess I wasn't used to failure. I believe I straddle the line between alpha and beta. I'm in shape and look like an alpha, but once I would devolop feelings for a girl, my alpha attitude would change to that of a mangina and they'd quickly lose interest, or just stick around and use me for my assets. I've long believed the game was rigged and now know it to be true. Now to my question. What's your advice for a 23 year old man who's just started going his own way? I've shed my desire for female validation and strive to only please myself. But I don't think I can cut women out altogether. Thank you" Well Jack thanks for the donation and topic. Half the battle is ridding yourself of the desire for female validation. Once you understand how women operate you understand that their validation doesn't mean anything. Yes they validate you so that you're easier to use as I'm sure you've experienced. They are just buttering up your ego so they can get you to sell your Camaro and sop up the money with a biscuit. At this point you're still young and your drive to chase women is there. I found that my drive to persue women died down in early 2016 when my life mission outstripped my desire for relationships. The way I did this was to focus on my travel channel in addition to my MGTOW channel and also think of ways to build an AI loverbot. Essentially I buried myself in so much work and am still in the situation where I have just enough time to get what I need to do in a day and then my day is over. I have zero free time to think about women because I'm so busy. I can also relate to your issue of treating people like a jerk except I have the opposite problem. I treat people too nicely and am way too agreable and I don't know how to stop being this way.

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