7 Jul 2022

UK Column - Fascist UK Government Outlawing Free Speech - The Jews Target Christians At Church For Cannon Fodder

UK Online Safety Bill - "The pages titled foreign interference offence cannot possibly be aimed at troll farms outside the British islands, because what does a foreign troll farm have to fear from an English court? So the persons involved are you and me and anyone else in Britain!"

Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Alex Thomson

The Jews have ordered their finger men to serve army draft orders to Christians age 18-60 attending church on Sunday in order to make more Christians into cannon fodder for the Jews' "Ukraine = Big Israel" land grab.

00.26 - The Online Safety Bill Is All About Disinformation


Nadine Dorries Statement: - https://archive.ph/rUmQb

Online Safety Bill: - https://bit.ly/3apiRTj

Online Safety Bill Amendments: - https://bit.ly/3RbW7Xv

National Security Bill: - https://bit.ly/3ONfdSp

Press Release: - https://bit.ly/3OJcw46

12:10 - Dutch Farmers Protest


Telegram Channel: - t.me/klokkenluiders

24:53 - Leadership Pantomime


BBC Article: - https://bbc.in/3agubBp

Guardian Article: - https://bit.ly/3NOzxRM

Tim Fortescue Statement: - https://bit.ly/3ama5FJ

30:11 - European Energy Crisis


FT Article: - https://archive.ph/VpJRe

Bloomberg Article: - https://bloom.bg/3yLyGgI

33:00 - Ukraine War Update


Telegram Channel: - t.me/Rybar

UK MoD Tweet: - https://bit.ly/3uwxxqD

RT Article: - https://bit.ly/3bInCYq

UKRC: - https://bit.ly/3NMuz8e

AP Article: - https://bit.ly/3ArWsQ5

Guardian Article: - https://bit.ly/3apkSPn

Politico Article: - https://politi.co/3Rc3n5H

YF Article: - https://yhoo.it/3aljYUc

TASS Article: - https://bit.ly/3ah7bC6

Yle Article: - https://bit.ly/3usEBEQ

53:29 - Saudi's Tighten Pilgrimage Rules


Cradle Article: - https://bit.ly/3NH4BDf

RT Article: - https://archive.ph/Kq4Uv

59:01 - Freedom of Religion and Belief


Ministerial Conference: - https://bit.ly/3P8jHmd

UKC Article: - https://bit.ly/3Ijg8ra

01:03:48 - London Pride Month


Time Article: - https://bit.ly/3amAgfx

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