14 Jul 2022

Why Powers That Be Lie To Us About The Covid “Vaccines”?

Swedish Study: Pfizer Jab Installs DNA into the Human Genome

By Alexandra Bruce: Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Richard Bartlett and Dr Simone Gold join Joni Table Talk host, Joni Lamb to discuss the Swedish in vitro study that shows the Pfizer jab installs DNA into the human genome.

Dr Gold, who is also a lawyer says that this discovery opens up a new avenue for lawsuits against the tyrannical vaxxine mandates, citing the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, which protects individuals against discrimination based on their genetic information in health coverage and in employment.

The abstract of the study, “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line” reads:

Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells.

In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.

Full video:

The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart

Here is my list of over 50 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I'd be surprised if the narrative doesn't fall apart soon. It's now unravelling quickly in the UK.

By Steve Kirsch: Here is my list of over 50 indicators that the “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.

It is a devastating list.

And for some reason, nobody wants to fact check me on it.

  1. The vaccine deaths are now simply too massive to keep hiding/explaining them away:

    1. Non-Covid excess deaths: why are they rising? Experts call for probe as mortality rates in England and Wales climb despite drop in coronavirus deaths

    2. Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid

      Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality

    3. England: Excess Deaths on the Rise But NOT because of COVID – Experts Call for Investigation

    4. It’s happening in Ireland too! How can heart disease explode in kids only after they roll out the vaccines for kids? Experts are baffled as to what might be causing a sudden increase in heart disease for kids that is happening only in places that have rolled out the COVID vaccines for kids. It’s not happening to kids anymore in Uruguay for some reason (perhaps the judge stopping the vaccine program might have something to do with it).

    5. Unknown causes is now the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada. It wasn’t that way before the vaccines rolled out. The experts dismiss that as “oh, that’s because people who have had COVID are more susceptible of dying.” But why would they be more susceptible of dying of UNKNOWN causes? And why is it only the vaccinated who are dying of the the unknown causes? And if this is due to the COVID infection, how come it isn’t happening in any country with a low COVID vaccination rate? And how do the experts explain the strange blood clots only found in vaccinated people? The press still forgets to ask these critical questions. But at least mainstream media is covering the mystery cause of deaths. It’s a start. But they are allowing “hand-waving” explanations when the “experts” are just making this stuff up with no data to back it up. Any “expert” who actually talks to patients knows the side effects of the vaccine are far greater than those from COVID. So how is our “expert” not even considering the vaccine as a possibility? We see the headlines almost on a daily basis now of celebrities dying “unexpectedly” of “unknown” causes so this “new” category being #1 shouldn’t be a surprise anymore. And I guarantee you that it is happening to boatloads of “lesser known” people as well: those people don’t generate the headlines. But have you ever in your life read about so many “unexpected” causes of death? I got two sent to me just today: Busi Lurayi (age 36 died suddenly) and rapper Tumi Tladi (age 30, died in his sleep). Two in a day, both international celebrities from South Africa?!?! What are the chances of that happening randomly?


    6. Embalmers are seeing blood clots in over 50% of patients that they’ve never seen in their careers. It isn’t caused by COVID because it only started after the vaccine rollout and the clots are only found in vaccinated patients. So how do the experts explain that?

    7. There was a 163% rise in life insurance claims at Lincoln National, but that article didn’t take into account that there was a merger (which is why premiums also went up). They are the fifth largest insurance company in the US. The correct number to focus on is the loss ratio which went up industry wide. The loss ratio is what to focus on. Q4 21 industry wide saw a 40% increase over 2019 loss ratio and leveled off to about 20-25% in Q1. I am hearing that there is still a mix shift in Q2 from old to young still and that excess mortality has come down some. That isn’t COVID. COVID doesn’t kill anywhere close to that number of people. We are looking at the biggest killer in history and nobody can figure out what it is! Watch this video. You will never see a story on this on mainstream media; they ignore it. Note, part of the claims increase is due to premium increases (adding new clients).

    8. Life insurance companies in countries all over the world are reporting record numbers of excess deaths. These are not “statistical fluctuations.” The deaths are all caused by a huge intervention that is affecting the health of millions of people. And it’s all new. Nothing like this ever happened before 2021. Nothing of this magnitude has EVER happened in their history (which goes back over 100 years).

    9. GoFundMe deaths from stroke and other unusual causes in YOUNG people are through the roof. One reader wrote: “I heard on my local radio about a go fund me for a lady that was stuck in Tasmania because she had a massive stroke on holidays so I decided to look it up, the amount of GoFundMe pages for young people and children who have had stokes was mind boggling, also a heap of pages for adverse reactions to the vax.”

  2. How can casket makers for child caskets suddenly see a 400% rise in demand right after the vaccines are announced for kids? It’s supposed to be the reverse that happens: a dramatic drop in business. Instead it is the inverse. How will they ever explain THAT one? They can’t so it will never be covered in mainstream media. Read Etana Hecht's story about one of the largest North American casket manufacturers reporting a 400% increase in child-sized caskets since December 2021. They're being bought in bulk for the first time after 30 years of being in business. Could it be a coincidence? The story says the funeral directors all see the connection… the funeral directors all know the vaccine is killing the kids but they are not allowed to talk about it since it would be bad for business to be anti-vax. The government covers the cost for the vaccine, but doesn’t compensate anyone for the loss of their child or even the funeral costs. That’s how caring our government is.

  3. Even John Campbell, who is pro-vaccine, admits that a troubling number of unexplained excess deaths are not just happening in the UK: they are happening worldwide. Just listen to the first 30 seconds of this video. Of course, the CDC isn’t investigating anything even though American life insurance companies are reporting deaths that are off-the-charts. The CDC is NEVER going to investigate this. It’s bigger than COVID and they know full well what it is. That’s why they are NOT going to investigate and The NY Times is NEVER going to fault them for this. After all, it’s only the biggest medical cause of death in our history.

  4. The overall shift in the cause of death from respiratory to cardiac is impossible to ignore and can’t be explained if the vaccines are “safe and effective.” A friend of mine who lives in Massachusetts noticed this after he made a FOIA request for the death records in Massachusetts. He looked at the ICD-10 coded causes of deaths and noticed that the causes of deaths shifted from primarily “J codes” (respiratory due to COVID) to “I codes” (circulatory due to the vaccine). Now we learn that the exact same thing happened in the UK in 2021 according to official UK government numbers. This is a huge effect and there must be a cause, but the health authorities are simply baffled and cannot explain it (because they are not permitted to blame the vaccine since that would make everyone look bad). It’s safe to say that such a shift has never happened before in history. Clearly, something new happened starting in 2021 that affected massive numbers of people worldwide. I wonder what that might have been? Health authorities simply cannot come up with a single thing that was new in 2021.

  5. The vaccine injuries of toddlers who are now having seizures cannot be explained. This is now a regular occurrence for 2 and 3-year-old kids to have seizures. It’s only happening in vaccinated kids and most often between 2 and 5 days of vaccination from the COVID vaccine. Doctors are not allowed to report these events publicly (they are not allowed to share on social media or talk to the press) so each doctor thinks it is simply a “one-off” event that is ONLY happening to them. If doctors would be allowed to speak publicly, they would realize the massive pattern. This is why hospitals muzzle the doctors: so nobody finds out. We have multiple reports of these from nurses directly from nurses who are scared that their social media accounts are being monitored. The parents are told that it is just “bad luck” and the parents believe what they are told. So the parents don’t speak out about it either.

  6. Countries are starting to realize birth rates are dropping and there are more stillbirths. Sweden, the UK, Germany, etc. See my article about birth rates.

  7. The deaths and injuries are happening in plain view of everyone with no plausible explanation for all the coincidences. All of the events are only happening to vaccinated people, but because the press never mentions the vaccination status of the people who “die unexpectedly,” the public never realizes the pattern:

    1. Think about all the rock concerts that have been terminated or canceled due to medical reasons. Justin Bieber, Santana, … Brett Michaels. They never give the cause as the vaccine so they have to make something up (Santana) or simply refuse to disclose it (Michaels). Someone sent me a list of four other concerts that were canceled within the past few months. This isn’t normal folks. But most people never attend rock concerts in different parts of the country so they never figure it out. Also, Santana cancelled six upcoming concerts to recover from dehydration. All the doctors I talked to said that makes no sense. Worst case he’d get IV fluids and be back to normal in a few hours. So the explanation doesn’t fit. But other celebrities are speaking out on their vaccine injuries such as Eric Clapton, but they aren’t well publicized (Clapton’s video has just 66,000 views as of July 11, 2022).

    2. Think about all the celebrity deaths in 2021 and 2022. These are never covered up; they can’t be. What they never mention is the total number of unexpected deaths and they never mention the vaccination status of the deceased. But they can’t hide the total number. This is a good way to track whether excess deaths are increasing or decreasing because the government can’t fudge these numbers because they are in plain sight.

    3. Young people virtually never die in their sleep. When you see this happening over and over, it’s no accident. When you see it happening to celebrities, it’s even more noticeable and impossible to cover up such as the death of Dani Hampson who died in her sleep on her wedding day. Not only was it a celebrity death but a “young person died in her sleep” death as well, a black swan. Many Americans realize what is going on. You can see this by looking at the Twitter comments.

    4. Athletes are dying in plain sight at 22X the normal rate. Today, former NHL defenseman Bryan Marchment died “unexpectedly.” But few people are tracking this so they have no idea the rates are so much higher. It just seems a bit odd. They attribute really strange causes to these death like dying from “accidental heat stroke” in your own home. I checked with a nurse. This never happens. But we’re going to see a lot of this now.

    5. Even young UPS drivers, like 24-year-old Estegan Chavez, Jr. are dying while delivering packages which are not nearly as physically demanding. And if you check with any UPS driver, they keep their trucks wide open making it virtually impossible to die from heat stroke. And these are just the deaths you hear about.

    6. Pilots are having events at unprecedented rates, but the airlines are refusing to screen the pilots for cardiac issues. When American Airlines Captain Bob Snow had a cardiac event right after he landed, he didn’t even get a call from the CEO of American Airlines. The FAA won’t require pilot screening. They know exactly what they would find. So they look the other way and say nothing and pretend these events never happened. The pilots know. Any member of the public with a working brain can figure this out. But we assume that the FAA is honest and will do the right thing. Big mistake. The FAA was officially put on notice and they have done absolutely nothing about it. They just ignored it like it never happened. Congress is doing the same: they aren’t holding the FAA accountable since they know it would make them look bad. Everyone is banking on nobody ever finding out. After all, they covered up the fact that the US government created the virus in the first place so the reasoning is that they can cover up all the cardiac events and pilot deaths.

    7. Surveys (such as this one) consistently show that fewer than 50% of Americans are willing to get more shots of the vaccine. Most of America is clued in, even though none of the media people are. As a result, the government is throwing away tens of millions of vaccine doses due to insufficient demand (which is why Peter Marks of the FDA said he’d do anything except debate the opposition to reduce vaccine hesitancy. So basically we are literally throwing away billions of dollars of taxpayer money to produce a product nobody wants. Is anyone in Congress complaining about the government waste: No. Not a single person. Is anyone in the mainstream media pointing out this is stupid to order a product nobody wants? Nope. Nobody in mainstream media is going to publish an op-ed like that. They all just go along as if nothing is wrong.

    8. People’s young healthy friends are having medical problems at unprecedented rates (though not everyone is realizing this). For example, today I learned that one of our country club employees (forced to vaccinate) that I knew died from a stroke at age 52. A young candidate for US Senate, John Fetterman, had a stroke following his vaccination. He may never recover.

    9. Whenever we do audience surveys, every audience always reports a comparable or excess rate of death from the vaccine vs. COVID. So even if you don’t see it yourself, the live audience surveys are very convincing since there is no “bias” in these live surveys. Nobody but “misinformation spreaders” like myself are willing to do the surveys for some reason.

  8. User surveys done by professional third party polling firms consistently show the vaccines have killed more people than COVID has. The NY Times, 60 Minutes, etc. all refuse to do the surveys themselves. They don’t want anyone to know. Our next step is to use a big name polling organization to promote this result so it is not coming from “anti-vaxxers.” That poll should be impossible for anyone to ignore. We have never run a single poll that shows everything is fine and the vaccines are perfectly safe. That is why the mainstream media will never do these polls. But most people don’t realize that the are deliberately not doing these polls. However, it may be hard for us to get this done. There have been far less devastating polls that have been done by the big polling firms and they refuse to allow the results to be used when they found out the result were against the narrative. The reason is simple: it would be bad for business to release such a poll because everyone would stop using them because they are “evil.” This is why the public never sees any polls on vaccine safety: the media won’t commission them and the pollsters won’t do them. We welcome being proved wrong on this!

  9. Mandates are vanishing even though COVID rates are increasing. For example, see this story about what is happening in parts of Australia where they are backing off their former recommendations with no apologies whatsoever:

    1. Vanishing vaccine mandates: No apology from our once-so-zealous public health officials

  10. The evidence shows that COVID was created in a US government funded biolab. That’s the direct assessment of the chairman of the independent commission tasked with looking into the cause. Professor Jeffrey Sachs was responsible for the independent Lancet investigation. He said, “I chaired the commission for the Lancet for 2 years on Covid. I'm pretty convinced it came out of a US lab of biotechnology.” You will never find that statement anywhere on US mainstream media. How could that not be covered? But in this video, he also said that there is absolutely no interest in learning more, not from any country in the entire world. That tells you everything you need to know. How can there be no interest in learning more? The only way there can be no interest in learning more is if the US government did it. Check out this article in Science which tries to make Sachs look like the villain: “Fights over confidentiality pledge and conflicts of interest tore apart COVID-19 origin probe: Former members of The Lancet task force challenge why economist Jeffrey Sachs disbanded effort.” Sachs figures out Daszak is conflicted and Daszak won’t produce documents showing a conflict. So the panel sides with Daszak!!! It is completely stunning that nearly the whole panel is conflicted and corrupt. Sachs emerges as the hero here. He calls for further investigation by an unbiased commission due to the smoking gun evidence of a contract that was “supposedly” never funded. Nobody takes him up on it because he’s right; what they want is a corrupt investigation only. The contract fits the origin of COVID like a glove and Daszak’s defense is that the work “was not funded. Therefore, the work was not done. Simple.” But it’s not as simple as that (as the article points out). It seems very clear that Daszak is lying. I double-checked with a former EcoHealth Alliance employee who was in a position to know. He was unequivocal. You have to have data to get funding on these proposals. The bottom line is Peter Daszak shouldn’t be trusted since he’s in on it. There’s more, but we’ll leave it at that for now.

  11. Vaccine injuries are now being compensated in other countries with large payouts, but not in America. We haven’t paid out a dime to anyone, despite thousands of applicants (most others know it is fruitless to apply and don’t bother). So how can the vaccines injure people outside of America, but not injure anyone who was given a shot inside America? That’s simply impossible if there isn’t a government cover-up. There is no third party oversight of the vaccine compensation program in America and nobody in Congress (except for Senator Ron Johnson) thinks that zero payouts to the millions of Americans who were killed, disabled, or injured is a problem.

  12. Our surveys consistently show well over 1M Americans have been injured or disabled so severely by the vaccines that they are unable to work, but Congress thinks $0 compensation is appropriate. See this analysis, this story, and this story and the poll data in this article.

  13. The most extensive investigations ever done on a death, 14 months of intensive investigation, have proven that the vaccines kill people. 27-year-old Jack Last of Stowmarket was vaccinated on March 30, 2021 and died days later. It took 14 months of investigation to determine he was killed by the vaccine.

  14. Ed Dowd was interviewed by the Defender and the CHD Roundtable and made the following points:

    1. The group life claims come from a younger, employed demographic dying neither from COVID nor suicide

    2. This group of largely millennials fed “a silent Vietnam War” body-count-wise (61,000 in 2021, how many insurance companies counted not stated)

    3. The connection to the shots is demonstrated by the “hockey stick” plots of deaths versus time clearly marked by mandates and boosters: the smoking gun

    4. CEOs who mandated the shots are reluctant to publicize their responsibility for killing their employees

    5. The financial catastrophe will push these data into mainstream news sooner or later
    6. Ed was working directly with actuaries and insurance executives specifically counting group life claims, not just deaths among the general population. The exponential rates of change marked by dates of vaccine roll out, mandate implementations and boosters nails the vaccine inference for these fatalities reported this way. The argument is hard to contest. “Smoking gun,” as he says. This is insurance industry hard data: money paid out. This is why this is so impressive and to-the-point.

    7. There is no response from any fact checkers on this.

  15. Former highly respected blue-pilled doctors like Dr. Naureen Shaikh in Sausalito have seen enough and are now willing to come out of the closet and speak about vaccine injuries even though it means the end of her career in medicine.

  16. Articles written by respected scientists like Peter Doshi are slammed by people who refuse to be held publicly accountable for their remarks. Read this article by Professor Norman Fenton which summarizes the bogus arguments made to smear these scientists who are speaking the truth, “Response to Susan Oliver video “Antivaxxers fooled by p-hacking and apples to oranges comparison.” Almost definitely, the “Doshi paper” will not be published for reasons explained in this article by Phil Harper. Susan Oliver, who is remarkably inept, will not have a discussion with Fenton and it’s pretty obvious who is spreading the misinformation for anyone spending any time on this. Instead of challenging Fenton, Susan produces a second video. Susan summarized her view of the paper in this tweet (which included the link to the video) that was retweeted by people like Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter (a world renowned expert on probability and risk) and Prof Peter Hansen (Econometrician, Data Scientist, and Latene Distinguished Professor of Economics at UNC, Chapel Hill). Hansen and Spiegelhalter refuse to speak with Fenton as well. Fenton would LOVE to chat with any of these people in a recorded conversation so he can ask them key questions, but all of them are afraid to be challenged: they just throw stones and then go into hiding. That is how “science” works nowadays.

  17. Even though key studies that destroy the government narrative will not be published (as noted in the previous point), scientists still managed to publish over 1,250 papers in medical journals on serious adverse events caused by the COVID vaccines.

  18. Two teenage boys die in their sleep in different states days after vaccination and the paper concludes that the deaths were caused by the vaccine. It’s published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. There is no coverage of this in the US mainstream media. The best we could find is this report on NTD News. Read the comments on that tweet including, “My friend's mom woke up terrified, unable to breathe. Her husband was by her side and called 911 but she was gone via cardiac arrest. She took a booster the morning before this transpired. It hits especially hard to think a child, alone, went through this. Rips my heart out.” The US mainstream media will continue to ignore all these deaths so that when it happens to them people will just think it is just their “bad luck,” but these stories are leaking on alternate media.

  19. The world’s most respected vaccine expert, Dr. Paul Offit, publicly admitted on a YouTube video that the whole FDA outside review process is a complete sham. The FDA doesn’t review the data, they hand the committee hundreds of pages right before the meeting (knowing that way they committee cannot review it), and then badger them to approve the vaccines without any efficacy data. Offit admitted that if there was a “hell no” option for his vote, that’s what he would have done. He effectively said the others on the committee are brain-dead because there was no efficacy data to justify approval: these committee members basically vote “yes” because that’s what they are expected to do and they want to stay on the committee. The government orders the drug even before they ask the FDA panel to review the data, proving the whole “review process” is a complete sham. Offit himself still hasn’t figured out the vaccines aren’t safe. He won’t have that discussion with anyone on our side. However, Paul Offit is completely oblivious to the fact that if there are no deaths, you can’t save any lives. For example, we know from the Massachusetts death data that there were zero deaths in 2020 and 2021 for ages 5 to 11 (there was just one death coded as a COVID death but we contacted the family and found out it wasn’t true). So how is there a “problem”? Nobody wants to talk about that. They don’t even know there were no deaths in a large state like Massachusetts.

  20. Parents are getting wise to the scheme. Just 1.3% of eligible children under 5 have received one or two doses of a vaccine, according to data from the CDC (see this Epoch Times article for details on the failure of the CDC to dupe parents to inject their kids).

  21. Pierre Kory told me a mainstream doc he knows admitted to him confidentially that attitudes are changing now. Doctors now realize they’ve been lied to, but nobody has the courage to speak out about it since they’d lose their license. So they keep quiet. But most of them know the vaccines are killing and injuring people of all ages.

  22. One of my nurse friends said that when a child had a cardiac incident recently, the entire trauma department thought “vaccine injury” as soon as they heard there was a teenager with a cardiac issue. However, none of the members of the trauma department will ever acknowledge any of this publicly because they know they will be fired for admitting the truth.

  23. Doctors are now willing to meet with members of Congress and brief them on what is going on. For example, I now have 25 doctors in California willing to risk their careers to speak out to members of Congress in California. These doctors work at hospitals all over California. It’s not local.

  24. Public health officials are now willing to be interviewed by me. I have one coming up on Monday July 11. Can you believe that? A public health official that will answer questions from me! I can’t wait.

  25. Alex Berenson was re-incarnated on Twitter. Twitter admits they removed him erroneously (after they told Alex that they had “carefully” reviewed his Tweets and found them problematic). All the rest of us in Twitter Heaven will miss having Alex around.

  26. A BBC documentary cannot get a simple vaccine statistic correct (the percent unvaccinated). But to their credit, they corrected it after Professor Fenton pointed out the error. That is progress because it shows that the truth actually is starting to matter now! Susan Oliver is far worse than the host for the BBC show, Hannah Fry. Neither of them are ever going to debate Norman Fenton. Nobody will.

  27. The journal Science tacitly admitted that they aren’t doing science anymore. We requested that they ask for a correction or retraction of an obviously flawed paper. The request was made by a highly respected UK Professor, Norman Fenton. They ignored him! In short, junk science is fine for their journal. I really think they should rename their journal to “Junk Science” as that would be more accurate. But it’s clear that they don’t care about accuracy. You can be sure they will stay quiet about this junk paper. That’s the way “science” works nowadays.

  28. I spoke with the CEO of a hospital near me. As soon as I sent him information about the vaccine being dangerous and suggested he could be a world leader by being the first hospital CEO to admit the truth, he stopped talking to me. So it’s actually promising he even responded to me even though he isn’t anymore. None of them want to be the first. They all want to keep their jobs. Your life is not important to them.

  29. I actually got a reporter from the San Jose Mercury News to respond to an email I sent. We’re actually still conversing. Boy, that’s a first.

  30. Fact checkers are now all afraid of me. Why? Because I got smart and I now insist on recording all conversations. Now they all refuse to talk to me. Because truth isn’t their focus. Listen to this recording. After I made this recording, I’ve never been contacted by any fact checker. And yes, it was a legal recording; they don’t dispute that. Here’s the story and a link to the recording. Now, no fact checker will talk to me nor will they debate me on the facts. Darn.

  31. The US public is NOT permitted to know what is inside the COVID vaccines. A FOIA to the British government confirmed “the full quantitative composition of all COVID-19 vaccines is exempt from FOI disclosure.” In Uruguay, a judge has ordered the vaccines halted until they disclose the contents. Here’s a story with more details on the situation in Uruguay. However, in the US, it’s perfectly fine to mandate vaccination of Americans with substances that people are not permitted to know about. The people doing the mandating don’t even know themselves what is inside the vaccine. They are completely clueless as well. That’s just how it works. After all, it’s important that the public (and the authorities doing the mandating) NOT know the true composition because if they knew, nobody would take it. That’s why it has to be kept secret. Get it? It’s for your own good. We basically have to trust the drug companies, even though they have a history of fraud and defective products. After all, if you can’t trust Pfizer, who can you trust? Doesn’t this make you want to trust them?

  32. We are learning of huge conflicts of interest with up to $400M in payouts given to unknown people inside the US government. We know Fauci is one of the recipients because he refused to answer that question when Senator Rand Paul asked him. We are not allowed to know any of these details because it is considered confidential. In other words, it would not be in the public interest to have the conflicts of interest known for some reason. Watch this video at 7 minutes and 30 seconds from the start. The FOIA response is redacted as you can see. Senator Rand Paul wants to know. The rest of Congress: they think it is best if this is kept from the American people.

  33. Drownings are up. One source of drowning data is at NOAA surf zone fatalities:

    2015 54

    2016 66

    2017 73

    2018 80

    2019 93

    2020 93

    2021 129

    2021 increased 39%

    The highest increase year-over-year prior to 2021 was 22%.

    2021 was 51% higher than the 7 year average.

    Weaker hearts can't handle stressful swimming. Wonder why?

  34. Post-market all-cause mortality data is the gold standard for a vaccine. We have that in the UK which tracked it. It went up by up to 6X according to UK ONS data. But our own CDC cannot find any signal here, even though the VAERS death numbers and Medicare death numbers are off the charts. When the CDC looked at the VAERS death data (the Hannah Rosenblum VAERS paper published in the Lancet) they said none of the excess deaths were caused by the vaccines but they never said what caused the deaths. Why didn’t anyone in the medical community or the press want to know the actual cause of the unprecedented number of excess deaths? The deaths were 50 times normal and no other vaccine has a jump in death rates, just this one. Why wouldn’t the CDC want to know why? And why does Martha Sharan prohibit me from talking to the authors? The CDC is supposed to help stop misinformation. I reached out to find the “correct” reason for the deaths and their response was to not talk to me. That doesn’t help correct the “misinformation.” I just want to know what caused all the excess deaths that only happened for the COVID vaccines. Is that too much to ask? Nobody else is asking the question, but it’s an important question to ask.

  35. The pulmonary embolism rates were over 1,000X normal and we knew that in January 2021. As the article shows, the data was in plain sight of everyone. So how could this not have triggered a safety signal? It’s now July 12, 2022 and to this date, the CDC has never recognized that pulmonary embolism might be triggered by the vaccine. How is that possible? It’s one of the biggest, most obvious, and most serious safety signals being triggered in VAERS? The answer is simple: the people at the CDC and FDA aren’t monitoring the VAERS system. They are looking the other way.

  36. The CDC isn’t releasing any data from their BEST database. Yeah, that’s what it’s really called. You can’t make that up. But because the data isn’t supportive, they never show us. It’s kept under lock and key. Nobody gets to look at it. You’d think if the vaccine worked as advertised, they’d be showing us the data. The fact that they don’t show us the BEST data… that has to be very troubling for anyone with a working brain.

  37. They aren’t showing the public the Medicare all-cause mortality data. Did you know it is at an all-time high since right after they rolled out the vaccines? Of course you don’t know that because the CDC will not release that data and the press isn’t asking them about it. The only reason I know about it is because I was tipped off by an honest HHS employee (yeah, we actually found one insider who is livid about the cover-up).

  38. The UK ONS data shows that all-cause mortality increases tremendously after each vaccination. If it isn’t the vaccine causing this, then what is causing it? It is a HUGE effect: up to a 6X increase in all-cause mortality after you get each shot compared to unvaccinated in similar age groups. Nobody will explain this on camera. They are all camera shy. Nobody dares to challenge Professor Norman Fenton on this. The CDC thinks the opposite is happening, that the vaccine makes you nearly immortal, lowering your risk of death to absurdly low levels. Someone is lying to you. I can safely guarantee to you that the CDC is lying because the all-cause mortality rates are so low in the CDC’s VSD study that the vaccine even prevents you from dying in accidents!

  39. There is a very real potential that the vaccine can integrate into a person’s DNA permanently. See Sweden Study Shows COVID Jab Can Modify DNA, Opens Doors for New Lawsuits. The vaccine might be permanently modifying your DNA and not for the better. They said this couldn’t happen, but now it is a real possibility and we’ll soon have confirmation if this is happening in people. In the meantime, “are you feeling lucky?” That is the question that the CDC should be asking people before they get the shot. Everyone should be warned about this before they get the shot. That will be true informed consent. Instead, people are kept in the dark. Nobody getting the shot has a clue. Is that really the way we do medicine in America to keep people in the dark like this?

  40. How will they explain away all the sudden cardiac disease now happening in kids that only happens to vaccinated kids and only started happening after the vaccines rolled out?

  41. I had doctors look at over 600 vaccine death reports. They found that 3 died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) which is extremely rate: it occurs naturally in 1 in 1 million people. Nobody can explain the .5% rate observed here. That’s 5,000 times normal. It didn’t happen by chance and the only thing these people had in common is it started right after the COVID vaccine. How can a safe vaccine cause CJD? Answer: a safe vaccine can’t. An unsafe vaccine can. No fact checker will touch that. For more, see the CJD section of “My latest survey.”

  42. Unfortunately, the medical community is still united that censorship of articles in mainstream medical journals is OK when it conflicts with the political narrative. So it’s still fine with everyone that papers such as the Rose paper on myocarditis rates after the COVID vaccines which was withdrawn by the publisher because they didn’t like the conclusion. There is still nobody speaking out against Elsevier for unethically censoring science. Not one person from the pro-vax side thinks censoring science is wrong. It’s stunning because it is so objectively unethical. Nobody can defend this but everyone is silent.

  43. There was fraud in the Pfizer trial. I’ve documented over a dozen issues that would be “hard to explain” if there wasn’t fraud including some that are impossible to explain if there wasn’t fraud. Nobody wants to explain them. But now we have something even better than my accusations of fraud: an admission from Pfizer in Federal Court that they defrauded the FDA. See Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud. The mainstream press won’t cover it, so nobody will know.

  44. Haiti did not vaccinate its citizens. The current vax rate is 1.4% -- yet country has one of lowest COVID death rates in the world. How is that possible?

  45. They’ve admitted that nobody will defend the policies of the CDC or FDA on camera. We put out an open call for someone to do this and go no responses. They promote the narrative only when they are assured they will not be challenged with inconvenient things such as evidence and facts.

  46. Nobody has been able to answer a single question on my list of over 100 questions.

  47. The FDA’s head of vaccines, Peter Marks, has said he’ll do anything to help reduce vaccine hesitancy EXCEPT debate any qualified scientist with opposing views. Yet debating the opposition is the most effective way for Dr. Marks to achieve his goal. So why isn’t he doing it? Simple. He doesn’t have the facts on his side.

  48. A paper published in a peer-reviewed journal says the “misinformation spreaders” (including myself) are telling the truth. Finally.

  49. We are seeing medical doctors like Andy Bostom writing a scathing op-ed about Brown University where he works on the cover-up of a student who died from myocarditis after forced vaccination. So doctors armed with the facts are now willing to sacrifice their careers to tell the truth.

  50. People are starting to wake up to the poor risk benefit of the vaccines. Our latest surveys give the same estimated number of deaths from the vaccine as the VAERS data (and 10 other sources): 500,000 at this point. But the estimated number of COVID lives saved based on the clinical trial is 1 in 22,000 which means around 10,000 lives saved. So we’ve killed 500,000 people to maybe save 10,000 people. That’s dumb. Nobody will debate me on the numbers. I even offered $1M to anyone who could disprove our estimates and show us the right numbers. No takers.

  51. Elderly care homes like Palo Alto Commons can’t hide in the shadows forever. My article recounts 6 residents getting the jab there and all 6 died within 5 weeks of the jab in their sleep, even though most all were perfectly healthy. How can 6 out of 6 die? The elderly is where the greatest benefit vs. risk is. It’s a felony to file a false VAERS report (and there is no incentive to go to jail here for the reporter) and Palo Alto Commons is saying nothing, falsely trying to hide behind HIPAA.

  52. The “science” behind wearing a mask is now completely busted thanks to Professor Jason Abaluck agreeing to have his paper challenged by our experts. But half the people still wear masks at airports so the message isn’t getting out. But at least we’ve completely busted the scientific rationale for masks. It’s gone. See my article on asking Science to retract the study that the medical community was relying on. They won’t and couldn’t reply since there is no excuse for not retracting the paper.

  53. The CDC had to change the definition of “vaccine” because the COVID vaccines weren’t vaccines.

  54. The numbers just aren’t working out for the promoters of the vaccine. In NSW Australia, the vaccination rate is 96.7% . That means that if the vaccines are reducing hospitalization risk by 90%, then 25% of the people in the hospital should be unvaccinated. That’s what the math says. So why are there no unvaccinated people getting sick?

  55. I’ve written nearly 1,000 articles on issues with the vaccine on my substack. Another excellent substack of vaccine injury stories is stopmandatoryvaccination. These stories are hard to explain if the vaccines are safe and effective.

  56. Did you know that the likelihood of being infected by someone with COVID is proportional to their viral load? Probably not because the CDC never told you that. Do you want to know why the CDC never told you that? It’s because the viral load of vaccinated people is the same as unvaccinated people. Check out this paper, Isolation of 4000 SARS-CoV-2 shows that contagiousness is associated with viral load, not vaccine or symptomatic status. You vaccine status has nothing to do with your contagiousness. So vaccinating yourself to protect others is silly. Which means vaccine mandates are silly. But when has science ever had anything to do with public health policy? People are told to just shut up and do as they are told. And most people buy it.

  57. Have you ever wondered why, with evidence like this, nobody in the medical community is saying anything? It’s because the whole thing is controlled by the government and if you piss off the government, you’re out of business, that’s why. I received this note from the CEO of a big hospital basically saying that the hospitals are just pawns and can’t speak out or risk retaliation from the government and I have to convince the FDA that they are wrong. In short, he’s saying we cannot win because the FDA has accountability to no one. Here’s what he wrote after I asked him if he and his hospital would speak the truth about what is happening inside the hospitals with all the vaccine injuries and deaths: “With regards to my involvement, I must respectfully decline.  Hospitals are largely governed by the local county health departments and regulations from the federal government, thus I'm sure you can understand that I cannot be of any use to you in advancing your position. I'm happy to listen, but I cannot take a position on this topic.” This is why some people have suggested that we use retired doctors and nurses (who cannot be retaliated against) to convince the public (since the public trusts doctors and nurses), especially if those doctors and nurses retired because of what they were seeing. But we can also use docs in current practice by obscuring their face/voice on camera.

  58. There don’t appear to be any scientists who work in vaccine safety at the CDC anymore. I emailed hundreds of internal CDC emails (all people working on the COVID vaccines) asking if anyone would consider evidence that goes against the narrative. No replies. A true scientist is always open to new data and to finding the truth. So the CDC “scientists” aren’t scientists; they are “propagandists.” If you find someone who works at the CDC who is willing to consider evidence that runs contrary to the narrative, let me know. But they will likely be instantly fired if they consider that the CDC could be wrong.

  59. The data shows that wearing a mask increases your chance of death if you get COVID. This is opposite to what they are telling us.

  60. There are simply too many Black Swans anecdotes to ignore. For example, this Black Swan shouldn’t exist with only a population of a billion people (if you believe the narrative), but these stories are all too common. I’ve heard stories of multiple deaths within a family after the vaccine. They are so common I don’t keep track of them anymore. For example, this is one I just received yesterday from an ICU nurse who lost her fiancé to the vax and whose brother almost died from the vax but was lucky and now has an ICD implanted likely for the rest of his life:

  61. I have names and family contacts of 253 people who were very highly likely to have been killed by the vaccine. That shouldn’t be possible for a safe and effective vaccine. It’s a huge red flag.

  62. I have a list of 1,000 people who are vaccine injured (that’s the public view with the contact info redacted so you can read the horror stories). But vaccine injury is said by the CDC to rare. But how can these people have over 80 symptoms that are common to the vaccinated and only develop those symptoms after the vaccine and not before the vaccine? So how can there be Facebook groups of 250,000 people injured from the COVID vaccine? These groups get deleted by Facebook when they grow to any size so people will never realize how big the problem is. These groups have to talk in “code” to avoid being detected and deleted by Facebook.

  63. Did you know that public health officials are there to protect the drug companies and not the public? Check out these emails from one of the top public health officials in Canada (Bonnie Henry). And note the techniques that all good public health officials use in order to obscure the truth from the public (see 3:00 into the video). There are lots of other issues pointed out in the video and then she starts showing the actual emails at around 10:00 into the video. You’ll see that the priority is on public messaging so as to not implicate the vaccine in the death and there is no interest in assessing causality.

  64. The Brighton Collaboration is used for adverse event definitions, but this is now controlled by CEPI which is controlled by the pharmaceutical companies. So the pharma companies get to redefine the adverse event definitions. And they do. How convenient. And you thought all of this was objective, on the level? No way. See this video at 17:00 for an explanation of the conflicts of interest. One physician in Canada wrote me after learning this, “Yes, the video was very interesting. Particularly their use of the Brighton criteria that explains why we aren’t picking up a safety signal here in Canada. I think this is worth developing further.”

  65. Robert Malone does a brilliant job in describing the conflicts of interest and how the game is played in his 15 minute speech at this vaccine safety forum at MIT on May 16 that I sponsored. Start watching at 5:26 (that’s five hours and 26 minutes into the video). It’s excellent. Here’s the writeup of the MIT event.

  66. Infant deaths are being reported in the press in Israel, but being suppressed here. It’s only a matter of time before this spreads to Europe and will eventually be impossible to ignore in the US. That same article talks about drug companies having “hit lists” of doctors that they seek to silence because they criticized the drug. This is from court testimony. It also talks about Pfizer’s cattle vaccine (PregSure BVD) which killed 15% of the cows. It took 4 years before it was pulled from the market in 2010. It’s happening again, this time in people (though with a kill rate of only 0.2% for people.

  67. I have all the death records in New Mexico for 2020. Guess what? When you look at the ICD-10 codes of the death records, you will find that there were only around 330 true COVID deaths, not 2,000. So 5 out of 6 COVID deaths were simply “with COVID” and not “from COVID.” New Mexico has 2M population and 2M die a year so we are looking at a total 1.5% ACM increase from COVID in 2020 and that was ruled to be an emergency and a pandemic?! That’s ridiculous. So the point is that they hyped up the perception by publicizing any COVID death, and then they backed it up with inflated numbers to create the perception of an emergency. NOBODY will go on camera with me to dispute this.

  68. The CDC admitted in a FOIA request that they didn’t start to look at the safety signals in VAERS until April 2021. The vaccination program started in 2020. Why did they wait? The answer is obvious: they don’t care about finding any safety signals. Why isn’t the public appalled about this? Simple! Because the mainstream media will not tell the public that the CDC didn’t monitor the safety data.

  69. The denial of adverse is events is stunning. There were Facebook groups with over 250,000 vaccine injured people that were deleted. I personally have a list of 1,000 vaccine injured. So when I asked a panel of scientists at MIT whether they believed the CDC who says that they haven’t found any link between the COVID vaccines and the vaccine injured, 100% of the panelists said “yes, they believe the CDC is telling the truth.” They even personally attacked me for asking the question!! It’s all on video. You can watch it at 4:56:00. It is jaw dropping that there is such brainwashing.

  70. I offered to personally pay the medical costs for any US airline willing to screen all their pilots for heart issues. No takers. What does that tell you? In fact, if you read the article, it points out that if the vaccines were actually safe, Moderna and Pfizer would be offering gobs of money to the airlines to screen all their pilots which if they are telling the truth would PROVE that their vaccines don’t cause heart issues. But they aren’t doing that. Why not?

  71. If the vaccines are so safe, how can there be a 25% increase in cardiac emergency events? If it wasn’t the vaccine, what was the cause?

  72. Doctors now realize that the vaccines are causing massive injuries. It won’t be that much longer for the other shoe to drop because this is now becoming public knowledge with articles like this one where the doctors admit it was the vaccine, but they will only do so privately.

I’ll update this over time, but that’s the list off the top of my head on what is going on. The momentum is all moving in our direction from what I can see.

As always, check out the comments below for additional insights from my readers. I’m only telling part of the story. There are over 1,000 comments you should read in addition to my article.


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