7 Jul 2024

Meet The New 'Gaza Bloc' Of MPs Ready To Take On Pro Jewish Genocidal Apartheid Regime Israel Starmer!

KD: The election of 5 pro Palestine Independent candidates at the General Election has created a 'Gaza Bloc' against pro Israel Keir Starmer. Right, so as much as Labour will be celebrating winning seats across the country, though in actuality it would be more accurate to say the Tories lost them, that wasn’t to say Labour didn’t get handed their backsides in numerous other seats and indeed the handful of Independent candidates elected across England, 5 of them won their seats at Labour’s expense and it is perhaps no coincidence all of them stood, although not necessarily exclusively so, on pro Palestine platforms.

It shows that although Labour figures apparently believed the furore over Gaza would die down, it has not, it is an issue that is not going to go away and being as pro Israel as Keir Starmer is and so many other Labour figures are known to be, especially those belonging to Labour Friends of Israel at that, it is arguably going to be an issue Labour will be pushed hard on.

Where Tory figures and Tory supporters may not care so much about the issue of Gaza and the Tories could largely get away with much criticism internally, Labour does not have the luxury, they will be held more accountable and with a potential ‘Gaza Bloc’ of pro Palestine MPs able to freely hold Starmer to account on these issues, expect them to do exactly that.

Right, so with the election of what can ostensibly be described as a Gaza Bloc of MPs, though certainly at local level there will be other issues they will be dealing with as well, and raising in parliament too, the wins for Jeremy Corbyn of course, the best known and hardly one I need to go into detail of given the coverage elsewhere, but also for Ayoub Khan, Shockat Adam, Adnan Hussain and Iqbal Mohamed ensuring that this is a topic that will never go ignored for long in parliament and difficult questions for Starmer, should he continue ardently supporting Israel no matter what they do, will be the very least he deserves to receive.

It isn’t even just the matter of raising these issues around that have solely seen, certainly some of these candidates elected, but the attitudes, allegiances and commentary from some Labour MPs that they were stood against, exposed not just Labour indifference towards Gaza, but demonstrating the hierarchy of racism very much at work too.

The two examples of this that stand out and I’ve covered both of these incidences in detail in other videos specifically about them, I have no doubt helped elected Shockat Adam and Ayoub Khan. Independent campaigns suffer greatly from lack of resources, lack of campaigners, lack of media attention and the two incumbent MPs that got deservedly dumped out of their jobs, despite Labour winning a landslide. Shockat Adam is now the new MP for Leicester South, a hugely diverse community, where in 2019 the incumbent Labour MP Jonathan Ashworth won 67% of the local vote, yet his ridiculous antics of fleeing from constituents wanting to question him about his and the party position on Gaza, notably, footage of which saw him on the phone claiming to be being bullied and harassed and begging people to not let such people win!

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