22 Jun 2024

The Toxic Truth About Vegetable Oils In Your Home

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

The Israel Boycott Is Working And It Is DEVASTATING, But The Lame Stream Media Are Hiding It

Redacted: Companies around the world are boycotting Israel and the media will not tell you about it. Isn't this ironic when U.S. lawmakers tried so hard to stop the BDS, an economic boycott is what we get anyway? Maybe we should have paid more attention to the peaceful protest before we got the October 7 violent one, huh?

“Something BIG Is About To Happen” - EXCLUSIVE Alex Jones Interview On INFOWARS Shut Down

"Our message is scaring the system. Something big is about to happen, why are they so desperate to get us off the air?"

Russell Brand

Everyone Hates The Acolyte As Much As Disney Hates Star Wars


Misandric Racist Walt Disney Company Discriminates Against White People, Especially Males

“Nobody else is going to tell you this, but theyre not considering any white males for the job. Theres no way we’re hiring a white male.”

James O’Keefe is a top flight investigative reporter.

21 Jun 2024

KCNA Releases Text Of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty With Russia

The key provisions of the open-ended treaty

TASS: The Korean Central News agency has released the text of the North Korean-Russian treaty on comprehensive strategic partnership that was signed during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to that country.

The key provisions of the open-ended treaty are:

  • Immediate mutual assistance in case of aggression against any of the countries;
  • In case of a threat of aggression, the countries agree on measures to coordinate their positions, cooperate to remove the;
  • Moscow and Pyongyang commit themselves not to enter into any agreements with third countries that may threaten their sovereignty and security;
  • Russia and North Korea will make efforts to boost bilateral trade and create favorable conditions for economic cooperation;
  • Moscow and Pyongyang agree to develop cooperation in the area of space exploration, peaceful use of nuclear energy, AI, and IT;
  • The countries will invigorate cooperation in the area of the mass media to counter disinformation and information provocations;
  • Russia and North Korea will create a system of measures to strengthen defense potential to prevent war and ensure peace;.

Official Announcement: "Diplomacy Has Failed" - Neo-Jewish Israel - Hezbollah Heading To War - Doom Scale Just Hit 10

This is looking like a 10 scale doom moment.

By Hal Turner: The U.S. Special Envoy, the Jew Amos Hochstein, has publicly announced that "diplomatic efforts to calm tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have officially failed." Hezbollah squarely refuses any negotiation to relocate its people north of the Litani River in Lebanon.

Yesterday, through COVERT INTEL, I reported that Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told US Envoy Amos Hochstein that Hezbollah will PRE-EMPTIVELY strike Israel if they see Israel preparing for a Lebanon Invasion.  Those preparations have been announced and ARE happening.

Israel said today that "Southern Lebanon will look like GAZA, and Beirut is not immune."

Based upon Hezbollah refusing to reach any agreement and Israel now backed into a corner being forced to take action to resolve the so-called "Hezbollah security issue (no security at all), the time is nigh for war.

Hezbollah had until the 24th to agree to the Israeli demand to withdraw to north of the Litani River. Instead, Hezbollah threatened offensive measures if Israel looked to prepare to attack.

Zionism Is A Drug

"The drug that is zionist propaganda."
Tadhg Hickey

Malaysia Just Decided To Fill Paperwork To Officially Join BRICS & End West’s Monopoly!

We Love Africa: Does Malaysia also oppose Western dominance? Malaysia has decided to join BRICS, as announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. But this decision to join BRICS seems more about challenging the Western system than just joining Brics itself. As BRICS aims for de-dollarization and a multipolar world, more nations want to join. This shows a global willingness to reduce Western dominance. Could this be why Malaysia decided to join BRICS?

Gentlemen, How "Red Pilled" Are You? Find Out If It's Healthy For Your Relationships!

Ask An Older Man

Something Big Is Happening


Paul Joseph Watson

What REALLY Happened On 9/11? Apart From Dancing Jews...

Candace Owens: I discuss some lingering questions surrounding 9/11, a Toddler sings along to a perverse Sexyy Red song, JoJo Siwa is still being disturbing, and Marc Lamont Hill notices my success since leaving The Daily Wire.

God’s Chosen People

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water. (screenshot)

The Jewish Power Party says the party is committed to the annexation of Gaza for Jewish settlement as soon as the Palestinians “voluntarily migrate,” an euphemism for being expelled by violence.

Have you ever wondered why God chose a Satanic people as his own?

Washington Weaponized Domestic Law And Its “Rules-Based-Order”

'The complete and total failure of the American media, which our Founding Fathers mistakenly relied on to hold government accountable, has left Americans with two devastating threats, one of which is domestic tyranny and the other is war with Russia, and perhaps China and Iran also.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Merrick Garland, Biden’s specialist in using law as a weapon against Donald Trump and his supporters, recently described in the Washington Post, a CIA asset, his critics as conspiracy theorists who are undermining trust in the Department of Justice (sic).

Many Americans have a different view. Garland, claiming “executive privilege,” covers up the Justice (sic) Department’s refusal to indict Joe Biden for the same offense for which Trump has been indicted by preventing the release of special counsel Hur’s interview of Joe Biden. Hur found that Biden knowingly possessed national security documents for which he had no permission, and that he was guilty of mishandling national security documents by leaving them in the trunk of his car and spread among a variety of non-secure locations. However, Hur concluded that Biden shouldn’t be indicted because of his “diminished mental facilities.” As I previously asked, how then is Biden qualified to be president of the United States and have his finger on the nuclear button? The Justice (sic) Department doesn’t say.

20 Jun 2024

Katie Hopkins: We´re Now Watching The Collapse Of The Ukraine Narrative

"You are now watching the fall of the lie which was fed to you. Now please take down your Ukraine flags."

Russian Northern Fleet In Cuba - Armed With Unstoppable Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles - What Next USA?

teddolbi: Is it OK for Cuba, or Venezuela to Hit Targets Inside Wokeism Infected USA with unstoppable Russian Supplied Hypersonic nuclear Missiles?

UN Commission Of Inquiry: The Jews Are Responsible For War Crimes In Their Gaza Mega Concentration Camp

A United Nations Commission of Inquiry has found that the Jews ARE RESPONSIBLE for many War Crimes in Gaza.

By Hal Turner: Speaking in Geneva, Navi Pillay, chair of the UN-backed Commission reported:
Israel forcibly transferred almost the entire population into a small area that is unsafe and uninhabitable.
The deliberate use of heavy weapons with large destructive capacity in densely populated areas constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population.”

Pillay says the commission concluded that
specific forms of sexual and gender-based violence constitute part of the Jews operating procedures.
The daily onslaught in Gaza has largely overshadowed a parallel wave of violence in the Jews' West Bank mega concentration camp.
Since the Gaza genocide began in October more Palestinians have been killed by the Jewish Green Shirts or 'settlers' there than in any recorded period.
The violence, encouraged by the Jewish state, is due to both Israels generally militarized operations and asurge in settler violence.”

Making Dark Topics Funny

Sammy Obeid: Sometimes the crowd wants what they want. This was the improvised portion of my show that I did in Orlando. If you don't get some of the references, neither did I.

Aaron Cleary On Economics And Thomas Sowell


Just Stop Oil Attacks Stonehenge

m o d e r n i t y

Apple Explains How They Name Things

SAMTIME: Apple finally reveals how they name things.

Major BRICS Update: "The US Dollar Is On Borrowed Time"

"Sanctions on Russia, whether you agree with them or not has shown the rest of the world that if you hold USD as your reserve currency, you're not protected and you're not safe, in fact it's the opposite. Should you disagree with the US, or should the US disagree with you and your policy making, your reserves can be frozen and stolen at a moment's notice."

Taylor Kenney explores the latest developments within the BRICS bloc, highlighting more Countries interested in joining the coalition. With the BRICS bloc growing, it poses as a significant threat to the U.S. dollar's dominance, a concern echoed by the IMF's latest data. With emerging markets increasingly trading outside the dollar and central banks hoarding gold, the landscape of global economic power is rapidly shifting.

I Say Ban Porn, Cardi B Defends It

Candace Owens: I'm talking about the moon landing again, Morgan Freeman still doesn't like Black History Month, Cardi B defends porn, and it's Juneteenth! Celebrate me!

"Something Has Changed And Putin Is Preparing For FULL War With NATO" Says EX-CIA Agent

Redacted: Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away.

19 Jun 2024

Why Do Women Lie To Themselves? What You Need To Know

"The juice ain't worth the squeeze!"

Ask An Older Man

The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement - The Culture War Is A Fight To Stop It

...the level of delusion required to ignore the effects of the culture war is mind boggling to me... If you don’t understand the culture war, then you don’t understand a thing that’s happening in America (and many parts of Europe) today.

Authored by Brandon Smith: I was recently watching a video by some of my favorite movie commentators in which they were lamenting the apparent death of the movie theater business. They cited a long list of recent blockbuster bombs with some confusion as to why so many films were failing. In particular, they had predicted the film ‘Furiosa’ (a feminist bait and switch movie designed to replace the more popular male Mad Max character) would do relatively well.

Yet, the movie bit the dust in epic fashion. They were bewildered as to why this occurred.

They posited numerous social and economic theories trying to explain why so many big budget bonanzas were losing money. They of course suggested that the covid event might have pushed people to adjust to streaming services as the better option. They noted that theaters can be more frustrating because of loud customers. They tried to apply some economic theories to the situation (these theories were overly simplistic and painful, but these guys aren’t economists so I gave them a pass).

However, when the concept of the culture war was briefly broached, they dismissed it immediately.

Can The British Police Sink Any Lower Than This?

"He filmed a busker in the street, the busker called 999 and the police true to their woke petty obsession with hurt feelings sent in the heavy mob."


Killing Babies With Infant Formula

Is Your Baby's 'First Food' Loaded With Toxic Heavy Metals?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Researchers looked at samples from 20 formulas made by well-known local and international brands, and found that six out of 20 formulas tested positive for five types of toxic heavy metals, including lead and aluminum
  • In May 2024, the FDA sounded the alarm on the Crecelac Infant Powdered Goat Milk Infant Formula, after tests revealed it was contaminated with Cronobacter, which can lead to life-threatening infections like sepsis and meningitis
  • U.S. lawmakers are also working on a new bill, dubbed The Baby Food Safety Act of 2024, that would direct the FDA to set maximum allowable limits for heavy metals in baby food and infant formula
  • Breast milk is still the best option for both infants and mothers. However, if you are unable to lactate, I recommend making your own homemade formula milk — recipes are included in this article

The “breast versus bottle” debate has long divided concerned parents who only want the best nourishment for their child. Many parents who seek convenience often choose infant formula. Others, such as moms who cannot produce enough breast milk to satisfy their children, have no choice but to resort to formula milk.

He Helped Prosecute Israel At The ICJ, Now He’s Running For Parliament

"It was entirely the genocide in Gaza that made me run and particularly the labour party's attitude to it, the labour party having been captured by the zionist lobby. ...The failure of the democratic system, the fact that both parties [the uniparty] are united in strong zionist support for Israel meant there had to be a challenge." Said Craig Murray.
British journalist Richard Medhurst interviews former ambassador Craig Murray who is standing for election in Blackburn as a candidate for the Workers Party of Great Britain.

Bill Gates’ Plan For The Genocide Of The Human Race

Hitler only eliminated 6 million people according to the holo-hoax story. But the Jew Bill Gates and the German Klaus Schwab actually intend to eliminate 7.6 billion people and those to be eliminated dont even complain.

PCR: Peter Koenig, a former insider in the international organizations explains the Bill Gates and World Economic Forum agenda of reducing the world’s population from 8.1 billion to 500 million. Most of us will be in the eliminated 7.6 billion. Think about that.

Think also about Hitler being demonized for allegedly eliminating 6 million Jews. Go compute what tiny fraction 6 million is of 7.6 billion, and wonder why Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum aren’t demonized. Instead, they are celebrities with whom politicians, corporate CEOs, university professors and media desire association. Every year Western “leadership” flocks to Davos to hear about the genocide of the human race and the dispossession of the 500 million left–“you will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

The TNT interview with Peter Koenig begins at about the 12 minute segment.

The West Is Lighting The Fuse Of Nuclear War

'The so-calledpeace conferencein Switzerland was a fraud. Russia was not included, so how was it a peace conference? It was a propaganda event.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Western media is a lie machine. Western governments live in a make-believe world of their own impunity. Consequently, the Western peoples lack awareness of the dangerous situation that Washington has created with Russia.

The so-called “peace conference” in Switzerland was a fraud. Russia was not included, so how was it a peace conference? It was a propaganda event to rally support around Washington’s puppet, Zelensky, whose term has expired and who is ruling illegitimately as a dictator. Many of the attendees refused to sign the statement.

Here is a true description of the situation. The West is acting in behalf of the war continuing and expanding. The puppet’s term has expired and Zelensky continues in office despite not being reelected. The Western trained and equipped Ukrainian military has been defeated. At any time Russia can increase the offensive and clear Ukrainian forces from the Russian populated areas that have been reincorporated into Russia. The West’s response to its lost war consists of two reckless and irresponsible actions. One is to send NATO troops, with the French being the opening wedge, to replace the depleted Ukrainian troops. The other is to further provoke the Kremlin by firing longer range missiles into Russia.

Veterans For Peace: U.S. Army Major Quits Over Israel [video]

What bothered this US intelligence officer specializing in the Middle East: the Jews are targeting Palestinian civilians indiscriminately and US weapons make it possible.
Army Major Harrison Mann will be speaking at the Veterans for Peace national convention in August! Details on attending the online event coming soon.

Veterans for Peace is an organization founded in 1985. Initially made up of US military veterans of World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War – later including veterans of the Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War — as well as peacetime veterans and non-veterans, it has since spread overseas and has an active offshoot in the United Kingdom. The group works to promote alternatives to war.

List of Government Resignees —

  • Josh Paul, director of the State Department’s bureau of political military affairs.
  • Harrison Mann, a U.S. Army major and Defense Intelligence Agency official.
  • Tariq Habash, special assistant in the Education Department’s office of planning.
  • Annelle Sheline, from the State Department’s human rights bureau.
  • Hala Rharrit, an Arabic language spokesperson for the State Department.
  • Lily Greenberg Call, special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department.
  • Alexander Smith, a contractor for USAID.
  • Stacy Gilbert, State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.

Kansas Sues Pfizer, Says Company 'Misled' Public On COVID-19 So-Called Vaccine

Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,”

Authored by Zachary Stieber: Kansas on June 17 sued Pfizer, alleging the pharmaceutical giant “misled” members of the public with various claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer, for instance, said on April 1, 2021, that there were “no serious safety concerns through up to six months following second dose” of the vaccine it makes with Germany’s BioNTech, the lawsuit notes.

But documents made public through a lawsuit showed that Pfizer’s adverse events database, which includes reported issues following vaccination from around the world, already contained 158,893 adverse events as of Feb. 28, 2021.

Pfizer’s representations that its COVID-19 vaccine did not have any safety concerns was inconsistent with the adverse events data it possessed,” the suit, filed by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach states. “Pfizer concealed, suppressed, or omitted material facts it possessed showing significant safety concerns associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

Scott Ritter Unveils: Russia Setup NAVAL BASE In Red Sea - Threatening U.S. & NATO' Survival

"This is operation How Does It Feel? Giving the Americans a taste of their own medicine."

KR Media: Scott Ritter Unveils: Russia Setup NAVAL BASE In Red Sea - Threatening U.S. & NATO' Survival In this detailed analysis, Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and renowned military strategist, explores the strategic implications of Russia's new naval base in the Red Sea. Ritter delves into the potential threats this poses to U.S. and NATO interests in the region, describing it as a significant challenge to their operational freedom and strategic influence.

This Is Utterly Outrageous

"What better way to preserve democracy than by outlawing your main political opposition? ...If you can't beat them, ban them!"

m o d e r n i t y

18 Jun 2024

Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie

The Israel Death Forces IDF knew of Hamas' plans before their October 7 hostages for exchange grab. The Jews' own leaders let it happen and then even had their own people butchered 'The Hannibal Directive' on purpose in order to put the blame on Hamas to excuse and grant their evil wish to wipe out every last indigenous Christian and Muslim child in white neo-Jew occupied Palestine aka Israel.

Candace Owens: I go over the lies and propaganda of WW2, the neocons want another world war, Joe Mazzulla's Christian faith continues to inspire after the Celtics win the NBA Championship, and according to the Jerusalem Post, IDF knew of Hamas' plans before the October 7 attack.

“It Was NEVER A Vaccine!” Court Drops BOMBSHELL Covid mRNA Ruling

Russell Brand

These NARCISSISTIC Influencers Need To Be STOPPED

Redacted: This is a hot new trend for narcissists. Young girls film themselves being ogled by men and then ask for your sympathy on TikTok. It is especially bad at the gym but it went wrong for one girl when the Internet called her out for NOT being a victim and potentially victimizing an innocent elderly man.

Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch

Corbett: We all know the problem of The Future of Food. So, who’s ready for the solution? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James examines regenerative agriculture, one of the solutions that is already being used to wean us off the industrialized factory farming system and back toward a healthy relationship with our food . . . and with the earth itself.

Israel Lobby’s Control Over US & Britain Grows Ever Stronger

Americas and Britains Jews Are Driving Americas and Britains Wars.

...Everything about Israel is fake.”

By Philip Giraldi: Back in September 2017 I wrote an article for the Unz Review site entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” with the subtitle “Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?”

The article focused on the fact that most of the individuals and groups in the US that were agitating for war with Iran in particular were Jewish and most did not hide their loyalty to Israel, headed then as now by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

I argued that it was a mistake to have Jews managing America’s relationships in the Middle East in particular as some of them certainly would experience a conflict of interest that would inevitably not be beneficial to the United States. And, one might add, that in spite of that tie that binds with a foreign government, no pro-Israel group has ever been compelled to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 which would provide some transparency on finances and concerning direct contacts with the Israeli government or its Embassy in Washington. The end result of all that is to make it extremely easy to use money, which the Zionist billionaires have in abundance, to corrupt the US government process on behalf of an apartheid state that is no ally in reality and does not have values that fit well with what was once American democracy.

Child Deaths In VAERS - Much Higher Than Reported - 538 Children Died After Taking A COVID-19 Vaccine - Documented In VAERS, But Many Deaths Are Cleverly Hidden! 50,000 Kids!

Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says
Many VAERS reports list “age unknown” for people who were injured or died following a COVID-19 vaccine. VAERS analyst Albert Benavides said a closer look at the report summaries often reveals the victim’s age — yet VAERS doesn’t update the reports to reflect this. If it did, the number of child death reports after the vaccine would be much higher.

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.: Fetal deaths and miscarriages, sudden cardiac arrest, sudden death and suicides — these are some of the causes of death listed in reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on children who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

Yet, these reports do not count toward the total number of child deaths listed in VAERS data because the victims’ ages are officially listed as “unknown,” according to VAERS analyst Albert Benavides.

Benavides reviewed the data for his website, VAERSAware.com, and provided links to many of these “unknown age” child death reports on his site.

VAERS data as of May 31 lists 197 child deaths following COVID-19 vaccination.

However, Benavides told The Defender, “There are approximately 418 properly documented deaths in children below age 18. There are an additional approximate 120 kid deaths where the summary narrative states ‘child, infant, neonate, baby.’”

From Russia With Interest

'If anyone thinks Putin’s in it for the money, they’re still not getting it.'

By Stefan Koopman: The G7 is a forum where Europe holds a clear numerical advantage over the United States. However, the geopolitical vulnerabilities and precarious political positions of Sunak, Scholz, and Macron compelled them to toe the line of the United States. Consequently, the communique following the summit in Italy incorporated hawkish language on China, mentioning the country 29 times. The G7 said their intention was not to thwart China’s development, but will “continue to take actions to protect our businesses from unfair practices, level the playing field, and remedy ongoing harm”. Additionally, the G7 endorsed the deal proposed by President Biden three weeks ago regarding Israel, which includes a ceasefire, a hostage-prisoner exchange, and Gaza reconstruction, but did not condemn Israel for some of its recent military actions.

The Plot To Destroy Our Children

'Let’s do everything we can to bring these monstrous programs to an end!'

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.: Last week, a conversation with a waitress disturbed me a lot. She told me that she was homeschooling her sixteen-year old son, who is autistic, because she was afraid that he would be subjected to “tranny” propaganda and encouraged to “transition” to being a woman. Even worse, he might be put in touch with “doctors” who would mutilate him by injecting him with hormones and even castrating him, all without his parents’ knowledge. You might think the waitress was exaggerating—we all know that public schools are bad, but can they be that bad? If she is right, the schools would be monstrously evil. They would be downright satanic.

She is indeed right. In what follows, I’ll discuss the “tranny” movement and what they are doing to our children. It’s a tale that will upset you, but you need to know about it, so we can do everything we can to stop it.

The tranny movement contends that some people think they are really men, but trapped in a female body, or really women, trapped in a male body. We are talking about “men” and “women” as people understand these terms in ordinary language. There are a few people who are born with abnormalities that make them hard to classify, but they aren’t what the tranny movement is primarily interested in.

The trannies then take an odd step. They claim that if someone thinks intensely he is trapped in the wrong body, then he really is trapped in the wrong body. This doesn’t make sense. It actually shows that the person is more delusional than someone who just has this feeling occasionally. If someone thinks he is a cat or a dog and is obsessed by this thought, this doesn’t make him a cat or a dog. It just makes him crazy.

17 Jun 2024

So...Is Brigitte Macron A Man? + Why Does Nikki Haley Love Israel More Than The US?

"That is exactly how the media works, they are the CIA agents in the room that are repeating square, square, square, until you are supposed to completely abandon reason and just join them and say totally, that's what I see too, even though you know that's completely not true and the reality is that the majority of people do this today, just like covid and the masks and social distancing, etc., people fall in line."

Candace Owens: French journalists were working on a story about Brigitte Macron possibly being born a male before they were visited by the secret service. Why is that? I discuss.

Lowkey Exposes Israel Lobby + Israel’s Secret Role In Britain

"Ultimately the labour party is a criminal conspiracy against its membership!"

Double Down News:

The Israel Lobby is real, it exists and its coming to a parliament near youAGAIN!

Global Migrant Crisis Explained! With Neil Oliver

Jimmy Dore

The Danger Of Not Having A Father In The Home + "The Do's And Don'ts For Older Men Dating Older Women" ...She Said

"Fathers are essential."

Ask An Older Man

BRICS Bombshell! Russia And China Just DESTROYED The U.S. Dollar With This Move

Redacted: We have THREE huge BRICS stories this week. First, BRICS announced a new payment system that directly challenges the dominance of the US dollar in international transactions. No more SWIFT system. Saudi Arabia ends it's 50 year petro dollar agreement and announces they're joining BRICS. And 59 new countries plan to join the BRICS system. This is a massive gut punch to the U.S. Dollar dominance as the world's reserve currency.

The Ever Widening War

'The West has lost touch with reality and is bringing death and destruction upon itself.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: British Foreign Minister Says “We must go after everything Russian.”

“We will show Putin that we are completely behind Ukraine: we will chase the money and the oil, we will stop the gas, we will stop the ships,” declared British Foreign Minister Cameron.

The UK is “hunting” companies that do business with Russia “all over the world,” Cameron said. “We will sanction companies in China, in Turkey, in Kyrgyzstan, even in Israel, that we believe are supplying dual-use material” to Russia, he added.

This is the consequence of Putin’s ill-considered “limited military operation in Ukraine.” It is extraordinary that Russian intelligence failed to inform Putin that a slow-poke war would permit the West to become involved, thereby turning it into a war between NATO and Russia.

Putin still speaks of negotiating a peace with Ukraine despite the fact that Ukraine, NATO, and Washington have made it completely clear that the only terms for peace are Russia’s withdrawal from Ukraine including Crimea, payment for damages and dead Ukrainians and acceptance of NATO membership for Ukraine.

One can only wonder at the complete lack of realism as the West brings war to Russia.

Piers Morgan HUMILIATED By John Mearsheimer For Being Duped By American Propaganda

Katie Halper plays a clip of John Mearsheimer challenging Piers Morgan for believing that America should be the world police and is motivated primarily by a commitment to democracy and freedom. Then Professor Mearsheimer tells Katie what really motivates the United States, explains political realism, shares his thoughts on Henry Kissinger and says “there’s not a lot of difference between” neocons and neoliberals.

UK Labour Party Plans To Clobber Motorists And Homeowners With Fuel And Council Tax RAID!

GBNews: Pro-Jew anti-Christian genocide supporting Labour are going to clobber home owners with a raise in council tax and wage a war on motorists with massive fuel taxes!

US Military Draft Coming! House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service

Feminist Woman Leading Charge To Register US Men Only For Selective Service

By Tyler Durden: The US House of Representatives on Friday approved its version of the annual defense policy bill, effectively clearing the $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to move forward in a 217-199 vote which largely fell along party lines. Only three Republicans opposed it.

A number of 'controversial' amendments are part of it, setting up a further fight with Democrats as it moves forward, including a measure empowering the National Guard to crack down on the southern border.

But among the most interesting aspects to the bill for Fiscal Year 2025 is an amendment to the NDAA which automatically registers all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System.

This means that all able-bodied males in the country age 18-26 could potentially be drafted in the scenario of a future war declaration by Congress. The selection would be based on information from Federal databases.

While there has been a Selective Service program in effect for decades, it has long previously only been voluntary, but this new amendment will make registration automatic. The merely 'voluntary' system had been in effect since 1980 - but critics have said that leaving it up for young men to decide for themselves whether to register has resulted in a weak and ineffective system with not enough numbers.