26 Jun 2024

MUST WATCH - Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires & Truth About WWII, Brexit & The Covid Vaxx Rape Of Humanity

"The mRNA technology specifically, I don't want that anywhere near me, ever!"

Tucker Carlson: Neil Oliver is a Scottish broadcaster, host of the podcast Neil Oliver's Love Letter to the World and The Neil Oliver Show on GB News in the UK.

Watch this video, specifically the section JewTube* won't let you watch about covid here: https://watchtcn.co/49CDF2t

JewTube* is so-called because of the algorithms they have long employed to censor anyone who attempts to discuss in the comments sections of posted videos any criticism about the racist genocidal Jewish anti-Gentile apartheid regime Israel. It can now also be legitimately called BigPharmaTube since it began to censor discussion of covid for those who dare to broach the subject of fake vaccines that are actually gene therapies, death statistics, lockdowns, etc.

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