3 Aug 2024

The US Fed Just Crashed The Stock Market

Sasha Yanshin: The stock market has fallen 6% in 2 weeks and the US economy is under pressure.

Angelos Agathangelou: Though Sasha seems to be lambasting the Fed, he is in fact being far too kind. Sasha is consigning ignorance to the Fed where he should in fact be seeing a purposeful ploy. I'm not disagreeing with Sasha's basic analysis, but I do think he's apparently missing an important point, an ancient wisdom that is at the heart of the declaration by both Christianity and Islam that usury is immoral, or should be considered haram.

In short, the Fed know exactly what they are doing and are only play acting that they are stupid and this is in fact just part of the process whereby through the cyclical inflation and deflation of the economy via the use of their control of interest rates, just as with the banking sector's suppression of for example the price of gold, just as with LIBOR, etc. this is how banksters, by exploiting the ignorance of the hoi polloi, end up breaking the real hard working people and owning the world for pennies on the pound, or cents on the dollar.

As wise men have pointed out in the past, if the average man understood how banking really worked, there would be a revolution in the morning.

That was the real reason for World War 2.

The German National Socialist Workers' Party [the Nazis] discovered the true immorality of 'money changing' almost by accident when they naturally decided to nationalise German banking.

What followed shocked the world.

Freed from the usury monkey on the back of Germany, now that the more or less benevolent German state was the beneficiary of the blood letting of the population through its control of the now nationalised banking sector, the German nation seemed to benefit from an unprecedented economic miracle that has never been repeated since.

People flocked to Germany from all over the world and there were soon SS corps from every European nation, including 2 all Jewish SS corps. That's right, Hitler's Germany had 2 all Jewish SS corps, a Jewish Field Martial and several Jewish Generals and many thousands of Jewish soldiers when Britain instigated a war against Germany on the pretext that it was because Hitler's Germany did exactly the same thing as Putin is doing today by moving in to protect Russian speakers from the US puppet regime in Ukraine's attacks.

A reinvigorated Germany moved to protect German speakers left outside Germany due to the terrible treaty of Versailles that had been signed after the so-called Great War [World War 1] signed at the Rothschild mansion.

The banksters literally shit their pants when they realised that if Germany's nationalisation of the banking industry was allowed to stand and the world's nations eventually cottoned on to the fact that the nationalisation of banking would liberate nations to undergo unprecedented growth freed from the private banking monkey on their backs sucking the life blood out of the working man, the banksters' enslavement of the world would come to an end.

The UK PM Chamberlain wrote to high ranking US officials before the start of the war pointing out, "We are going to war with a friend [Germany], With Bankers' knives at our backs!"

The privately owned Fed are well aware of their part in the rape of the common man. Sadly the common man is not, he suffers in ignorance.


Mark Twain said, "A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain." That pretty much covers the issue with those immoral bastards.  

Like Sasha, Mark could clearly see their peculiarities, but did he perceive their contrivance?

Noting the obliviousness of the people around me during the 2008 bankster crisis and having contemplated the matter since, I have estimated that no more than one in one hundred thousand people can truly comprehend this evil. 

As an atheist, it taught me that religion has its place, if only those people one can fool all the time would heed the wisdoms of, for example, the Koran and New Testament, they would at least have been protected from the evil money changers.

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