9 Jan 2025

Jimmy Carter's Funeral Is Going Viral For All The Wrong Reasons

Candace Owens: Fires continue to rage in Los Angeles, Mel Gibson makes an appearance on Joe Rogan, and the scenes coming out of Jimmy Carter's funeral are oddly funny.

UK MP Refuses To Apologize After Pointing Out That "Alien Cultures" Are Making Britain Unsafe

“I will not disguise or sanitise my language...”

Authored by Steve Watson: A Conservative MP in the UK has refused to back track after he urged that “alien cultures” propagated via mass immigration in Britain are making the country unsafe.

Robert Jenrick, who is the shadow Justice Secretary, stood by his comments, and doubled down, telling GB News “we have seen millions of people enter the UK in recent years and some of them have backward, frankly medieval attitudes to women”.

Jenrick further urged that the ongoing pedophile rape gang scandal “started with the onset of mass migration”.

“I will not disguise or sanitise my language simply to ensure that some people are not offended,” Jenrick asserted.

Is There Any Government Not In The Hands Of Big Pharma?

French Authorities Mandate Self-Amplifying mRNA Injections and a Third Booster Dose for Ducks Against Bird Flu
Risks of viral mutations, breakthrough infections, and human health concerns from mRNA residues in meat are ignored by public health officials.

By Nicolas Hulscher, MPH: Esteemed researcher Hélène Banoun has just published an article titled, Duck vaccination against bird flu in France, that provides a comprehensive overview of the reckless mass avian influenza duck vaccination campaign. Here are the key points:

1. Introduction to Duck Vaccination Campaign in France

  • France is the only country mandating vaccination of ducks against H5N1 avian influenza for farms with over 250 ducks​.

  • The vaccine campaign was launched in autumn 2023, targeting 61 million ducks annually, using both CEVA's self-amplifying mRNA vaccine and Boehringer's subunit vaccine​.

Dr Abu Safiya Symbolised Humanity In Gaza - The Jews, Israel And The Jew Nobbled West Are Destroying It

Israel isnt eradicating the terrorists’. Its turning Gaza into a wasteland, a hellscape, where doctors no longer exist, aid workers are a memory, and compassion a liability

Photo: Here was an image, from the very final days of 2024, that said it all.

By Jonathan Cook: If there was an image from 2024 that captured the year’s news, it was this one: Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, in a white lab coat, picking his way through the wreckage of the Kamal Adwan hospital he ran – the last surviving major medical facility in northern Gaza – towards two Israeli tanks, their gun barrels aimed at him.

The past year has been dominated by the death and destruction Israel has wrought throughout the tiny enclave.

It has been marked by the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians – the deaths we know about – and the maiming of at least 100,000 more; the starvation of the entire population; the levelling of the urban and agricultural landscape; and the systematic erasure of Gaza’s hospitals and health sector, including the killing, mass arrest and torture of Palestinian medics.

Renowned Oncologist: ‘Evil’ COVID ‘Vaccines’ Caused ‘Turbo Cancer’ ‘Explosion’

A world-renowned professor of oncology has issued a chilling warning about Covid mRNA vaccines” after concluding that theevilinjections have triggered a globalexplosionin cases of deadly turbo cancers.”

By Frank Bergman:The warning was issued by Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St George’s, University of London.

Prof. Dalgleish, who is best known for his groundbreaking contributions to HIV/AIDS research, raised the alarm during an international forum of experts investigating the mass Covid vaccination campaign.

While addressing the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International forum, founded by Dr. Stephen Frost and moderated by Charles Kovess, Dalgleish told the panel of experts:

“We must stop messenger RNA [mRNA] at all costs… it’s not only mad, it’s evil.”

“The problem with [mRNA] is you have to stabilize it,” Dalgleish explained.

“And…they’ve never been able to significantly stabilize it…so it won’t integrate and wreak havoc and self-replicate.”

Iran Installs Over-The-Horizon (OTH) Radar In Far North To Save Themselves For The Disgusting Evil White Jews

This Is Why Modern Women Are GIVING UP On Their Type


We Can Handle The Truth

When authorities prioritize narrative control over truth, they undermine public trust, sacrifice accountability, and endanger the very people they claim to protect...

Authored by Christopher Roach: The 1992 military justice drama, A Few Good Men, explores a fictional hazing incident involving the U.S. Marines. The main question posed by the film is whether there is a place for unwritten rules and customs, which may technically violate regulations, but may prove necessary for a unique institution like the military to accomplish its mission.

In determining whether the hazing was ordered from higher up, the defense counsel, played by Tom Cruise, cross examines the defendants’ commander, a no-nonsense Marine colonel played by Jack Nicholson. When the attorney insists that he deserves the truth, the colonel angrily responds, “You can’t handle the truth!”

While the colonel is made out to be the bad guy, many of the distortions, omissions, and outright lies from the managerial class are informed by the same ethos, and they think of themselves as the good guys. This type of “noble lying” arises from the governing elite’s belief in its own sophistication compared to the rabble, who would overreact to the truth.

How To Survive "The Great Taking" In 2025

It’s a scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financed with debt..."

Authored by Nick Giambruno: David Webb, a former hedge fund manager, and Wall Street insider, has blown the lid off a diabolical plan more than 50 years in the making in a shocking new book.

He calls it The Great Taking.

I consider it an urgent must-read (available for free here).

Here’s the synopsis (emphasis mine):

It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle.

This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.