10 Jan 2025

James Woods, Who Celebrated The Jews' Gaza Genocide, Cries On TV For Losing House In Fire

#Kill them all, Zionist turd James Woods - Karma is a bitch...

Janta Ka Reporter: Social media users are unwilling to sympathise with Holltwood actor James Woods after he broke down on CNN in the wake of the devastation caused by wildfires. Woods, who celebrated the suffering of Palestinians, said that his entire house had been destroyed. Social media users are also highlighting the irony attached to this tragedy as reports emerge that Canada had sent its firefighters to douse the flames. This was just days after Donald Trump threatened to illegally annexe Canada.

She Can Fake It Easily! Men Have Learned This And They Are DONE. 1971 Book SHOCKINGLY TRUE!

Far From Eden

Your Exploding Car Is Spying On You

Story #1: Trudeau Resigns, Suspends Democracy In Canada https://archive.md/QeEcN

The Authoritarian Legacy of Justin Trudeau https://reclaimthenet.org/justin-trudeau-censorship-legacy

And the Winner Of the Canadian Election ishttps://corbettreport.com/and-the-winner-of-the-canadian-election-is/

Interview 1100Dissecting the Trudeau Hype with Dan Dicks https://corbettreport.com/interview-1100-dissecting-the-trudeau-hype-with-dan-dicks/

Watching The Banners Of Empire Unfurl

The Destruction of Syria Has Altered the Correlation of Forces

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington, Israel, and Turkey conspired in the destruction and partition of Syria, and now they face conflict among themselves.  It is enough to put you on the side of the terrorists.

An Israeli government committee has advised that Israel must prepare for war with Turkey, suspected of intentions of restoring the Ottoman Empire which would encroach on Israel’s plans for Greater Israel.  Such a war would present Washington with a dilemma. Turkey is a NATO member to whose aid Washington must go.  But how can Washington go to war against Israel when Israel owns the US media, the financial sector, entertainment, ivy league and other universities, and Congress.  No wonder Trump wants to get rid of NATO as it takes decisions out of his hands.. 

Perhaps Syria’s destruction will turn out to Russia’s benefit after all by allying Russia with Turkey in the conflict, which would mean a defeat for Washington and Israel.

The prospect for Arabs is dire. Their mutual antagonism–Sunni-Alawite-Shia–has left them powerless for centuries and under the rule of others. The destruction of Libya, Iraq, and Syria and the isolation of small Lebanon have left Saudi Arabia the only remaining Arab country, and the latest Israeli pronouncement has included a large portion of Saudi Arabia into Greater Israel.

UK Father's Daughter Was Gang-Raped: "Police Told Me To Let It Go" UK Govt Finances Jews' Genocidal Rape Rampage

British fathers relate horrific accounts of trying to save daughters from UK rape gangs... Labour government complicit in both covering up UK rape gangs and both Labour and Conservative governments complicit in arming and funding Jewish genocidal rape gangs in Palestine!

Authored by Steve Watson: As Musk pushes the pedophile Muslim gang scandal into the mainstream this week in the UK, to deflect from the Jews' genocidal rape gangs in Jew occupied Palestine where over 200,000 man women and children have been murdered and many more raped and had their lands and property stolen, or destroyed, horrible accounts are being shared by UK fathers of some of the victims, with one relating how the police did nothing when he told them his daughter had been raped and advised him to “let it go” or he would “get arrested for being racist.”

The following account was shared on X by Elon Musk, who continues to blast the left wing Labour government and Prime Minister Kier Starmer as complicit.

The man tells Talk TV anchor Jeremy Kyle that Pakistani Muslims from the Oldham area travelled 18 miles to get to his daughter after grooming her online, and then gang raped her.

Yanis Varoufakis: Palestinian Genocide - Gaza, Resistance, Truth And Europe’s Role

"The entire population of Gaza is on death row."

DiEM25: As the genocide of Palestinians continues, the images and stories coming from Gaza and the West Bank are almost unbearable. Israeli soldiers openly confess to genocidal intent, while Palestinians livestream their own destruction. Despair feels inevitable—but surrendering to it is not an option.

In this video, Yanis Varoufakis dissects the reality behind the headlines: Israel’s failure to win on the battlefield, its economy entering a spiral of collapse, and the complete erosion of its carefully crafted image as a liberal democracy. At the same time, Yanis explores the seeds of hope taking root under unimaginable circumstances and outlines how global solidarity can amplify the struggle for a just peace.

Watch now to understand the stakes, the shifts, and what’s needed to stand with the people of Palestine.

This Is Actually Happening! + Bruv Party: Britain Restoring Underlying Values

"You [politicians] are corrupt and you have failed people generationally!" -Andrew Tate

Russell Brand

The Fall Of Syria Explained + Everything We Don’t Know About Israel And Its Enabler In One Book

'Happy endings are what the insouciant mindless masses that comprise Western Civilization delight in. You can be certain that not truth, but more happy endings are coming your way. Even the genocide of the Palestinians will be turned into a happy ending.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: I have complained about the difficulty of acquiring an understanding of Syria’s sudden disappearance.  Neither the Western nor Russian media provide a believable account. Recently I came across Finian Cunningham’s article,”Syria after 13 years of US State terrorism,” on the website of the Strategic Culture Foundation. https://strategic-culture.su/news/2024/12/10/syria-after-13-years-of-us-state-terrorism-what-do-you-expect/  This site is often difficult to access, because Washington stupidly regards it as Russian disinformation.

On the surface Syria’s sudden collapse looks like Syria’s allies, Russia and Iran, might have sold out Syria.  This perception could prevail to the disadvantage of Russia and Iran as reliable allies, but the real explanation is that the years of economic and trade sanctions the West enforced on Syria, the years of Washington’s proxy war against Syria, the foreign occupation of Syria’s oil and wheat provinces by American and Turkish military forces, thus depriving the government of revenues, hollowed out the Syrian economy and left the Syrian military poorly paid for its services. Syria, Cunningham wrote, fell to “a 13-year war of attrition” on which all the victims on both sides were Arabs. The Syrian people, starved of food, medicines and fuel, with over half the population displaced, suffered high inflation and a destroyed currency, and ran out of ability to resist.