12 Mar 2025

UK MP "Who Sided With These Bloodthirsty Monsters [Jews]" Blatantly Insulted By Israel Regime Propaganda Minister

"She was insulted by an Israel regime minister on her recent trip to the settler colony built on the stolen land of Palestine."

Janta Ka Reporter: Emily Thornberry, who is a senior Labour MP in the UK and heads the powerful foreign affairs select committee, has stunned everyone by pointing out that she was ill-treated by Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister during her recent trip to the region. She told her colleague that her conversation inside the Israel regime parliament was secretly filmed and shared on social media. Thornberry, who supported the Jewish regime's atrocities in Gaza in the past, demanded an inquiry by the UK foreign office and apology from the Jewish Israel apartheid regime's deputy minister in charge of hasbara [propaganda].

Rifat Jawaid returns with his sharp commentary.

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