17 Mar 2025

They Used To Value You And Not Shame You - They Didn't Dispose Of You - Why Did It Change? #truth

Far From Eden

Over 80% Of Austrians Demand Stricter Asylum Measures

...following the government's announcement to immediately halt family reunifications for asylum seekers

Authored by Thomas Brooke: A new survey has revealed that an overwhelming majority of Austrians support stricter asylum measures, including a halt to family reunification for asylum seekers.

Conducted by UniqueResearch for ATV, the poll found that more than 80 percent of respondents back tighter asylum regulations, with 59 percent expressing strong support and an additional 22 percent indicating moderate approval. Only 12 percent of Austrians opposed the policy.

Support for the measure is consistent across the political spectrum, with a majority of voters from all major political parties calling for an asylum crackdown.

The poll follows an announcement by the new Austrian coalition government to impose a temporary “zero quota” on family reunifications, a step officials say is necessary to address the ongoing asylum crisis and the strain on Austria’s social systems.

Russians Encircling Ukrainians Find 30 Active-Duty NATO Commanders! + "No" NATO For Ukraine - Or NO Peace

Russia's Blitz to repel Ukraine from Kursk, yielded some surprises about who it is that's actually causing all the trouble over there: NATO.

By Hal Turner: Word leaking-out about the Kursk Region of Russia confirms thousands of Ukrainian troops are, in fact, surrounded by Russian Forces but today, there's a "twist."

According to information leaking out of the combat zone, in addition to Ukrainian troops who are trapped, there are allegedly thirty (30)  Active-Duty Commanding Officers from the official military in several NATO countries.   

These are reportedly not merely "Advisors" they are COMMANDING OFFICERS, giving orders to Ukraine troops.

It appears Russia's Blitz to repel Ukraine from Kursk, yielded some surprises about who it is that's actually causing all the trouble over there: NATO.

Interview: The Lynching Of Britain's Dr Love - By The Jews

"It's Kafkaesque!"

George Galloway: How a doctor with 15 years experience and a spotless record in the NHS frontline was suspended after an anonymous Jew lobby complaint over so-called 'upsetting' posts on his X account about Gaza.

After U.S. Air Strikes, Yemen Fires 18 Ballistic And Cruise Missiles At USS Harry Truman Aircraft Carrier Strike Group

Yemen retaliated by firing "eighteen ballistic and cruise missiles, and one drone" against the USS Harry Truman Aircraft Carrier and its strike group in the northern Red Sea.
By Hal Turner: Last night, the United States attacked the country of Yemen for the Jews with multiple dozens of air strikes, one seen in the photo, in retaliation for Yemen firing upon US and other vessels transiting the Red Sea for the Jews.

Yemen is blockading sea-transit to and from Israel over the Jews' embargo of food, water, and electricity into their Gaza Mega Concentration Camp where the Jews keep the indigenous Christians and Muslims imprisoned in the world's largest open air prison.

The Blogger Team [Bot] v Angelos Georgiou Agathangelou - Telling The Truth Remains A Revolutionary Act...

'The Blogger Team' [Bot] took down yet another in a steady stream of my now censored reportage posts. In this instance, 'UK Doctors BAFFLED By Exploding Breast Cancer Rates! Are They Really Baffled?' ...That had gone straight to the top of my reader's top ten hits. The Blogger Team sent me an email with their excuses and the suggestion that I could take them to court, a clever con indeed. I would have nothing else to do in life if I had to spend it in the broken British legal system to defend my every report, or discussion. This was not a particularly important post, simply a run of the mill important query, but this was the first time I decided to respond, probably to a bot, but actually to remind myself what is at stake. Here is my response to myself regarding 'The Blogger Team' bot's incessant censorship:

Dear Blogger Team [Bot],
Let us note that the subject under discussion here is not regarding an incitement to violence, or some form of sexual depravity, we are concerned with the actions of nations, politicians and the medical establishment. We are dissecting issues that only the insouciant would ignore, subjects that every patriot, every parent with a beating heart has a duty to explore.

"Beyond Reasonable Doubt": Former MI6 Head Told Boris Johnson COVID-19 "Was Engineered In The WIV"

The Covid-19 virus originally came from a United States-funded lab in Wuhan, China.

By Tyler Durden: Last week we noted reporting by journalist Alex Berensen, who cited two large German newspapers in revealing that Germany's Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has long had evidence that the Covid-19 virus originally came from a US-funded lab in Wuhan, China.

According to these reports, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe in 2020, the German government commissioned a secret intelligence operation under the codename of Saaremaa to investigate the origins of the Covid-19 virus, also known as SARS-CoV-2. When they concluded that a lab leak was most likely, the German Chancellery ordered that the results were to be kept hidden from the public.

The UK Knew Too...

Now, the Daily Mail reports that "a former spy chief submitted a secret dossier to No 10 early in the pandemic reporting that the virus had originated with a leak from a Wuhan facility."

First World Leader Admits The Covid Vaccinated Are 'No Longer Human'

Vaxxed People Are Now GMOs!

TPV: Across the globe, the vaccinated are collapsing—heart attacks, strokes, turbo cancers, and autoimmune disorders striking down the young and healthy alike. Athletes, celebrities, and influencers who pushed the jabs, even children on school playgrounds—none are spared.

What Are The Prospects For An End To The Ukraine Conflict?

'Russia has won the conflict, and the West and Ukraine have lost.  It is not Russia that needs a cease fire.  It is not clear that Trump understands this.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The prospects are not good as it seems the negotiations have already failed.  Putin was excluded from participation in the agreement that Trump is threatening to shove down Putin’s throat with threats.

On March 13 Nima hosted on Dialogue Works a discussion between myself and Professor Geoffrey Roberts of the prospects for negotiations ending the conflict between Washington, NATO, and Ukraine on one side and Russia on the other.  https://www.youtube.com/live/VSnRCWBuF20 

Geoffrey is optimistic about the prospects, whereas I emphasized the realism of the situation.  Whereas I sincerely hope Geoffrey’s optimism is justified, I introduced the many overlooked problems that might stand in the way. A major challenge to ending the conflict is the pretense that it is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine whereas in fact the conflict is Washington’s proxy war against Russia.  It is difficult to resolve a conflict when the reality of it is denied.  Essentially, I think Trump blundered by not first working out the terms of settlement with Putin and then taking them to Zelensky who would have had no alternative but to accept them.  I was also concerned that having coerced Zelensky into agreeing to a cease fire, Trump would get pushy with Putin, and Trump has.

Bristol: City Of Graffiti - Love & Unity + Gaza Demo + Music

The All or Nothing with Billy Moore

Escobar: Putin Peels Off The Masks Of The Ceasefire Kabuki

Putin will never sacrifice Russias indivisibility of securitydemands posed to Washington in December 2021 – and met with a no-response response...

Authored by Pepe Escobar: The “ceasefire” announced with trademark bombast by Team Trump 2.0 should be seen as a tawdry kabuki inside a cheap matryoshka.

As we peel off the successive masks, the last one standing inside the matryoshka is a woke transvestite tiny dancer: a Minsk 3 in drag.

Now cue to a “ceasefire” redux: President Putin in uniform only for the second time since the start of the SMO, dead serious, visiting the frontline in Kursk.

Finally, cue to the actual peel off operation: Putin’s press conference after his meeting with Lukashenko in Moscow.

Ceasefire? Of course. We support it. And then, methodically, diplomatically, the Russian President pulled a Caravaggio, and went all-out chiaroscuro on every geopolitical and military detail of the American gambit. A consumate artful deconstruction.