The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
22 Mar 2025
White Colonialist Neo-Jews Murder Hundreds More Christians & Muslims In Gaza - Francesca Albanese Reacts
The white neo-Jews are beheading babies and raping little children and toddlers with high tech precision missiles!
C4: The colonialist Jews genocidal rampage 'pause' has been broken, as the Jews launched overnight air strikes on Gaza that indigenous Christian & Muslim Freedom Fighters say have murdered more than 400 men, women, children, toddlers and babies - the evil Jews have begun all out genocide once again.
The Demonization Of Shakespeare
'Karl Marx said that violence was the only effective force in history. I have opposed this view, but Marx does have a case.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: In the United States my generation began reading Shakespeare’s plays in high school. In universities you encountered Shakespeare in the core curriculum. When core curriculums were abolished, English majors got further into Shakespeare and studied his sonnets. It was the work that was admired and studied, not who Shakespeare might really have been. His use of language was studied and what his plays taught about the human condition. Today if he is studied at all, it is likely to be his alleged homophobia, the extent of his alleged anti-semitism, his alleged racism. In the US some universities exclude him from the curriculum. As for England, what produced the interview below was the report that the English were decolonizing their great poet and playwright.
In the interview I said that the attack on Shakespeare is just part of the decades old white gentile/Jewish intellectual attack on Western white gentile civilization. It is an involved intellectual story that I have told in past times. To keep it simple, the Enlightenment placed moral demands on society, but emerging science denied the existence of morality. So how did the moral demands express themselves? They expressed themselves in attacks on existing society for its lack of morality as exampled by colonies, slavery, class privileges, and so forth.
Boeing To Build USAF's Next-Gen Stealth Fighter Says Trump - Russians & Chinese Literally Pissed Themselves Laughing
Trump said this new fighter jet will be designated the F-47.
“After a rigorous and thorough competition between some of America’s top aerospace companies, the Air Force is going to be awarding the contract for the next generation air dominance platform to Boeing,” Trump said in an announcement from the White House on March 21.
USAID Censorship Scheme Exposed; Global Engagement Center Worked With UK Govt. & Media Firms To Deploy AI
AFL uncovered that the GEC engaged in state-sponsored propaganda...
Via America First Legal: On Thursday, America First Legal (AFL) released explosive new documents obtained through ongoing litigation against the U.S. Department of State’s Global Engagement Center (GEC), exposing a vast, government-backed censorship operation to silence Americans under the guise of “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation.” The documents reveal a disturbing alliance between the GEC, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the British Foreign, Commonwealth, Development Office (FCDO), and media censorship organizations, all working in lock-step to manipulate public discourse, control media narratives, and suppress free speech.
Jews: The World's Most Psychopathic Family
"When people show you who they are, believe them. What's happening in Jew occupied Palestine isn't complicated it's genocide, it is the greatest crime of the 21st century." ...Just as the greatest crime of the 20th century was the slaughter of over 100 million Russian Christians and was orchestrated by these same Jews' forefathers who held 95% of the positions of power during the soviet era and invented the Siberian gulags.