23 Mar 2025

Japan is Committing Harakiri - But So Is Everybody Else

So, heres the million-dollar question:

why is this happening?

And heres the trillion-dollar question:

what can we do about it?

By Corbett: I’m sure you’ve heard the news by now, but, in case not, let me give it to you straight: Japan is dying.

Specifically, Japan’s ongoing demographic collapse is not only continuing but accelerating. It’s so bad that even the articles documenting this collapse tend to make things sound better than they really are.

Take the recent ZeroHedge article, “Demographic Doom: Japan’s Birth Rate Falls To The Lowest In 125 Years,” for example. That headline might lead you to believe that the birth rate is equal to where it was 125 years ago, but that’s not the case. When you read further, you discover that the 720,998 babies born in the country last year represent the smallest number of newborns since Japan began keeping birth statistics in 1899.

If this trend continues, Japan has already reached the point of no return.

RCMP Secret Memo Warns Canada Is On The Brink Of Economic And Social Collapse

It’s a direct result of reckless government policy. Ottawa has prioritized mass immigration over economic productivity, flooding the country with over 1.2 million new people in 2023 alone. ...Meanwhile, the government continues to suffocate industry in pursuit of climate extremism. ...And while Canadians struggle to make ends meet, the government has grown into a bloated, parasitic entity, consuming more wealth than it creates.

By Hal Turner: A secret report from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) paints a dire picture of Canada’s future — one where economic collapse, declining living standards, and widespread civil unrest are no longer a hypothetical.

The report, titled “Whole-of-Government Five-Year Trends” for Canada, was never meant for public eyes, containing “special operational information” distributed only among top government decision-makers and law enforcement.

Its conclusion? Canadians are running out of money, running out of hope, and—once they realize the depth of their economic despair could revolt.

South Africa Plans To Name US Consulate Street After Palestinian Freedom Fighter - Lol

"People have woken up to the reality that if you want to insult Israel, you can insult the U.S."

Janta Ka Reporter: The Trump administration has reportedly reacted in anger on South Africa’s plans to change the name of a street where the US consulate is situated after a famous Palestinian freedom fighter. This was after the Johannesburg City Council voted overwhelmingly in favour of changing Sandton Drive to Leila Khaled Drive.

Rifat Jawaid explains the significance of this development.

Can You Trust Your Water?!

Chilli Donela

Iceland's 'Minister For Children' Quits After Admitting Having Baby With 16 Year Old

Paedophile feminist Ásthildur Lóa Thórsdóttir made her 16-year-old rape victim/baby daddy Eirík Ásmundsson, who was present during the birth, pay child support for 18 years, whilst limiting his access to their rape child after marrying another man!

By Tyler Durden: Iceland’s minister for children has resigned after admitting she had a child over 30 years ago with a 16-year-old boy while she was a 22-year-old church group counselor, according to the New York Post.

Ásthildur Lóa Thórsdóttir, whose name has forced us to remember Word keystrokes we haven't used in years, is now 58 and a member of the center-left People’s Party.

She confirmed the relationship after local outlet RUV received a tip. She revealed the teen father was present during the birth, and later paid child support.

19 Reasons Why Central Banksters Are At The Heart Of Our Economic Problems

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Henry Ford
Authored by Michael Snyder: Most Americans have absolutely no idea how we got into the mess that we are in today. The reason why the U.S. government is 36 trillion dollars in debt and our society as a whole is 102 trillion dollars in debt is because the system is performing exactly as it was designed.  We have a system that was literally designed to create colossal amounts of debt.  But if you ask most Americans about this, they cannot tell you what the Federal Reserve is or why it is at the heart of our economic problems.  When Americans get into discussions about the economy, most of them still blame either the Democrats or the Republicans for our rapidly growing economic problemsBut the truth is that the institution with the most power over our economic system is the Federal Reserve.  

So exactly what is the Federal Reserve?  Most people would say that it is an agency of the federal government.  But that is not entirely accurate.  In fact, the Federal Reserve itself has argued in court that it is not an agency of the federal government.   The truth is that the Federal Reserve is a privately-owned banking cartel that has been given a perpetual monopoly over our monetary system by the U.S. Congress.

The Party's Over: Zionism Must Be Dismantled - Ghada Karmi

"What we've seen in Gaza is EVIL, you cannot describe it in any other way. The Jews are evil, they actually enjoy it. They are really pathological. The wanton killing of children!"

Palestine Deep Dive: “What this has evoked is a deep questioning amongst people who must ask themselves, where do they stand on the question of evil? Because I believe that what we've seen in Gaza is evil. You cannot describe it in any other way.” Esteemed Palestinian author and academic, Dr Ghada Karmi, calls on the world to rise up to end Israel’s genocide and systematic oppression of the Palestinian people—to end its apartheid, ethnic cleansing and colonialism once and for all.

Decades Of Being Used By Women As A Wallet, Your Job & The Law Against You - Finally Men Are DONE!

Far From Eden