5 Feb 2013

Anarchast - Jeff Berwick with Kelly Diamond

TheAnarchast: Jeff Berwick, in Acapulco, Mexico, talks with Kelly Diamond from the freer state, New Hampshire, USA. Source
Web Dude: He washed feet, OK a foot fetish. Wood, healing, levitation at a push S&M fetishes OK, understood. If it is accepted that the Christian God and her son didn't want to rule us (perhaps wash our feet or heal us, generally make us feel better, unless we are a money changer) why do we still have a government fetish? Isn't it a form of sloth? Or is the message of the bible, they even crucified the son of god, so what hope do you have, submit fool!? I argue that Anarchists are a rare group that have understood some fundamental messages of spiritual teachings. That perhaps the greatest untainted message from god, in terms of ruling us in this life, is conveyed by her complete absence from our lives. She might reveal herself to us if we understood and so might he, mother earth and father sky;-) In short follow the 8 commandments (how dare you make up more laws than the ones we gave you by the way?), after all we gave you the first one 3 times "No Other Boss Dopey! And our son set you straight on the money changers... What's Up With That?!!!!!!!!!!!! (Exclamation mark of the gods)


The Ten nine commandments (aka The Law) 
according to Web Dude:
1. No Other Boss! (End of faux democracy!)

2. Spend at least one day with family to chill and contemplate out of every four.

3. Be good to your mother and father.

4. Forbidden to kill unless in self defense. (End of the MIC's, so called foreign military adventures and foreign military bases. No problem once Bankster/MIC shill government and it's spin ends. See laws 1, 6 and 7)

5. Forbidden to have sex with people who already have a partner. (That's brain rinsed Mojo.)

6. Forbidden to steal. (End of the Banksters!)

7. Forbidden to tell lies, in order to get others in to trouble.

8. Forbidden to be jealous.

9. Everything else is allowed except additional laws. (End of the Lawyers!)

I am just about done with my penance. Best wishes with yours. WD

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