13 Dec 2015

Female Privilege - Antifeminism + Male Victims Are Funny?

Discussing the reality and consequences of the misconception that men are privileged and women are oppressed. Blaire White

"Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases"

"Women more likely to be hired in STEM"

"Suicide Facts"

"Homocide Trends in the US"

"Male Homelessness"


Male Victims Are Funny?
Blaire White: Just to elaborate, I don't think this one instance of a room full of shitty people is indicative of ALL feminists - surely there are feminists that care about male victims. But feminism directly produces the atmosphere that discounts male victims by perpetuating a female victim story-line.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. You may have been born a man, but you definitely appear to be an attractive woman today. I am not trans-gender, but having attempted the experiment with the help of two female friends, of dressing up and making myself up as a woman and undertaking a trip on the London underground in the late eighties in the name of science, shits n giggles, I empathise with your analysis and agree completely with your findings. It is quite surprising to the uninitiated how differently women are treated and of course as you pointed out, social experiments and the facts bear this out. You have done a great service in adding to the discussion of gender privilege. Thank you and bravo!
