10 Apr 2017

Women’s Attacks On Men’s Employment And Promotion Prospects

By Mike Buchanan: In stark contrast to the feminist ‘glass ceiling’ myth – that men preference men to women in recruitment and promotion terms – the truth is that women have a far stronger in-group preference than men. My personal experience as a business executive over 30+ years was that men exhibit no such in-group preference. When men mainly recruit or promote men, it’s because there are more men of merit seeking recruitment of promotion. Steve Moxon covered the subject of gendered in-group preferencing well in The Woman Racket (2008).
There is no doubt that many men are finding the task of seeking employment and promotion more difficult, because women – sometimes through their roles in Human Remains departments – are manipulating systems in order to give jobs to women rather than men. Last week I was contacted by a psychologist, his story takes up the remainder of this blog piece, and is reproduced with his permission. The name is, of course, a pseudonym:

I am James Smith B.Sc. Psy (Hons); M.Ed (Open) and I need to bring an issue to your attention regarding education.
The primary drive behind this email is one of complexity. But, it does concern the reality facing men working in the Social Sciences.
Obviously, I need to put this in to context.
I have worked all over the country with CfBT OFSTED; as an Agency Worker and as an independent specialist teacher. However, over the last 8 – 10 years I have been systematically restricted from teaching Psychology. This has been due to, not only women dominating the social sciences faculty, but also how it is suggested that men are not emotionally mature enough to teach Psychology (I have been explicitly told on four different occasions). [my emphasis]
For example, over 2016 I was interviewed for 3 separate Psychology roles (N.B. I must point out also, that the interviewing panel were all women) across East Anglia and each job was given to a female Sociology teacher that had a counselling degree. What interested me was the fact that the Job Specification asked specifically for a Psychology teacher. I explained at the individual interviews that I had achieved a Single Honours degree, which means that my first year was clinical psychology i.e. the first year of the single hons degree is equal to completing a 1st year of a PhD.
It has also been my observation that – generally in colleges – the social sciences dept. are dominated by women. In my last role as a Health and Social Care tutor there was only 2 men in the dept. i.e. around 10 – 15% and 10 – 12 women. If feminism is about equal opportunities for all – not just women – then why are social sciences dept. predominately female? The ironic thing here is that the interviewers at each interview asked questions about equality and diversity, but did not exhibit that in their dept. This is not only having a snowball effect on men teaching in the social sciences, but also on men studying Psychology or Health and Social care.
I could go on, but I hope you see the problem.

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