25 Nov 2019

Repo Markets & UBI + Punishment Bonds & Bitcoin On Mars

Max and Stacy discuss the Fed censoring information related to which bank or banks have been receiving bailouts via repo markets. For at least two more years we are told, the Fed will keep the information confidential for the ordinary citizen, while banks will, of course, have insider knowledge. In the second half, Max talks to Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt,’ about the ongoing Fed intervention in the repo markets and what this is telling us. Ellen also discusses Universal Basic Income and why she believes it is a good policy for the Fed to implement for everyone, not just bankers.

Punishment Bonds And Bitcoin On Mars
Max and Stacy discuss the negative yielding ‘punishment bonds’ causing pain to investors in Europe as negative yields soar into less negative territory. In the second half, Max talks Dhruv Bansal of Unchained Capital about ‘bitcoin astronomy’ and how “the desire to travel far away to start a new blockchain will turn out to be a powerful driver of human expansion throughout the future of our species.” And, if we get to Mars, can we mine bitcoin there? Or is it too far from the ‘center of hash?' 

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