25 Nov 2021

MEPs Fighting For Freedom In EU v 666 Scamdemic Fascism

Defending Peoples' Rights Against Mandatory Digital Certificate

"There is no pandemic!"

Cristian Terhes: In this third press conference, which took place on 24 Nov. 2021 in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, we explained why the Green Certificate is violating peoples' fundamental rights as well as other related topics.

The members of the European Parliament who participated in this press conference are: 01:04 - MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas (Lituania - the Greens); 05:34 - MEP Mislav Kolakušić (Croatia - NI); MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia - NI); 10:03 - MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania - ECR);