8 Mar 2022

An Intelligent Analysis Of Putin, WEF And The Ukraine NATO Alliance + Ukrainian Civilian Describes Nazi Pogroms

"The UN Security Council is The Monopoly Of Violence in The New World Order
...The Shakedown."

Vanessa Beeley: An illuminating conversation with Alex Thomson, former GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), Russian speaker and regional expert, a regular guest on UK Column News.

We cover the Russian incursion into Ukraine and the preceding history that will put the Russian initiative into context. We also cover the Putin-WEF connections that many analysts are highlighting - Alex brings a little more nuance, history and insight to the overall global parasite class composition.UK Column News www.ukcolumn.org






Ukrainian Civilian Describes Nazi Pogroms

Vanessa Beeley: Ukrainian tells Russian soldier how the Nazis used to terrorise them - area is liberated Pavlopolttps

1 comment:

  1. "As always its the leader of the country that's demonized and Hitler-ised." Points out Vanessa. As we say down our way 'Good morning Athens', or as English speakers say 'the penny has dropped.

    ...Now take one more step and realize that Hitler himself was and is still today being Hitler-ised, Hitler-ised in the first instance by those who use him as cover for their slightly more modern and continuing slow motion genocide of the Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

    Hitler who refused to bomb civilian targets until the many Dresdens we committed, Hitler-ised by we the Western bad guys who even now are the only people ever to nuke another nation.

    I laughed today [it was the darkest comedy] when some pundit with a straight face said that the Russians have Dresden-ed x and y areas of Ukraine.
