15 Mar 2022

Holding Kids HOSTAGE To Spite The Dad - It Gets Worse....

Aba & Preach

1 comment:

  1. Been there, done that, got the tie and the t shirt, started the movement, UK F4J fathers for justice 2000.

    You have to suspect that the powers that be encourage this status quo in order to destroy families, because lone individuals are weak and more inclined to be reliant on the state and individuals within strong families don't need the state.

    No doubt long term planners do exploit this aspect, but it's most likely primarily to do with the id, or put another way, the legacy of tribal survival mathematics, defunct yet still being exploited by unscrupulous females.

    In short from the beginning of the age of man, if two tribes go to war one could recover from the almost total annihilation of the men in that tribe, but not from the annihilation of the majority of the women who are the reproductive bottleneck.

    We sorely need a renaissance from that backward reality now that we have had universal suffrage, or else it has been a farce, because men will forever be downtrodden.

    I dare any debate on the issue with those who disagree that men are second class citizens in The West. I double dare.
