23 Apr 2023

English Woman Brutally Raped And Murdered After Creepy Orwellian UK Government Phone Alert Exposed Hiding Place

PM Sunak's creepy Orwellian government in your pocket mobile phone alert has caused the deaths of at least two British people.  

Jane Dow's entire family morns her death. She was brutally raped and murdered after her hiding place was identified to her stalker due to the invasion of her phone by British government control freaks.

It's reported that Ms Dow had the good sense to switch her phone to silent in her attempt to evade her stalker, but unfortunately that doesn't stop the government's creepy scaremongering alerts...

There are also reports that an old lady who's phone was also switched to silent during her siesta and who was startled by the alert has died of a heart attack.

1 comment:

  1. As far as I'm aware this is fake news in very poor taste. Just thought we should throw the censor a bone. Let's see if they bite.

    Having said that we find the idea of having the Orwellian 1984 2.0 British government in our pockets quite as scary a subject as murder.
