15 Apr 2024

TRUTH About UK Labour’s South African Apartheid Regime Funding & Israel Regime Supporting Jewish Mega-Donor

Like all male Jews, this man had over 60% of the highest concentrations of pleasure censors ripped from his penis when he was a baby! He's a Metzitzah B'peh Boy!

If your pleasure from sex had been so diminished and your chances of impotence had quadrupled and you had to use lube to jerk off, because you no longer had a foreskin, because your parents paid some local paedophile to rip off most of the pleasure censors from your penis and then suck off your bloody mutilated penis as your 8-day-old self, pinned to a table, convulsed with the pain of the medical shock of the brutal amputation of the most sensitive part of your penis [Metzitzah B'peh], that would piss you off too! With their parents so proudly perpetuating such barbarism on their own baby boys and indoctrinating them with evil and self centred talmud and torah doctrines, is it any wonder that most Jews [well over 99% says the UK Jewish Chronicle] have been turned into such evil genocidal bastards and do we want such twisted lunatics controlling British politicsas they clearly do?

Novara Media

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