13 Feb 2023

Dystopian Bastardry: War Of Terror Of A Rogue Superpower

This is a call to all decent civic minded people to stand up and be counted.

Angelos Agathangelou: I attempted to re-post an article today by the well known journalist Pepe Escobar further examining famed journalist and Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh's recent exposé of the destruction of pipelines supplying us in Europe with comparatively cheap gas.

On the orders of unknown entities that report has been censored by Blogger! Blogger has denied us a report that was written by a well known journalist, as has been shown by the Twitter files, Blogger is complicit in censoring important information vital to averting a nuclear war and possibly ending our entire species.

I'd like to nail the individuals responsible for censoring this important information to a wall.

We know that many thousands die in Europe every year during the winter due to the cold weather. Now we know that our supposed friend and ally the United States of America was responsible for the destruction of these gas pipelines and also therefore directly responsible for the murder of countless thousands of Europeans.

The United States of America in the last few months murdered British and European people for the purpose of making money, so that we would buy their comparatively expensive gas instead of the much cheaper gas supplied by these pipelines.

By all accounts our own corrupt UK government and the governments of other nations were also involved in the murder of British and European people who froze to death and more who are yet to die this winter.

We know that the United States of America is also responsible for the war in Ukraine.

We know that Russia begged the US to stick to agreements and stop advancing NATO towards Russia. We also know that in desperation Russia even begged the US to allow her to join NATO in order to assuage the Russian peoples' fears. We know that the US refused Russia entry into NATO.

We know that the US backed a coup in Ukraine, a nation on Russia's border and we know that the US was found to have many biological and chemical labs that the US admitted in congress after their labs were discovered by the advancing Russian Army.

We know that the US has similar bio/chemical weapons labs surrounding China. The US is scaring the hell out of the Chinese people too!

We now know that RussiaGate was a complete hoax by the CIA and FBI.

All the evidence shows us that the United States of America is a rogue warmongering nation and that our politicians in the UK, in the rest of the five eyes nations and in Europe are bought off cheaply in order to comply with this rogue warmongering nation.

We are in effect part of a rogue warmongering global gang bamboozled by Hollywood, other lame-stream media and corrupted government propaganda machines.

We know that platforms like Blogger are censored by our own governments and that this censorship is never for our benefit.

These platforms that we are trying to use as a public square in order to properly function as free democracies are nobbled and censored in order to serve the military industrial complexes first and not the citizenry who are fooled by their own captured governments, armys and elites' owned media into thinking that we live in democratic nations when in fact we are all living in filthy fascist toilets.

If we continue to hide from these important issues rather than confront them, rather than confront our MP's, our newspapers, rather than protest, then we deserve the prison and the servitude that we have been marched into.

I tell you that those who seek to govern us are those with whom you were educated that you would think least appropriate for the job. That is my experience working in government. Those who are allowed by the powers that be to stand as MP's are either the obviously corrupt/corruptible, or those too stupid to think for themselves.

Those allowed to report the news are similarly endowed. Those with integrity suffer the fates of Julian Assange, Bradly Manning and Edward Snowden and they suffer the fates of Jayanta Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta and Martin Kulldorff.

When the war with Russia and China begins in earnest it will be the fault of these insects and those of us who were too afraid to do our civic duty and imprison these traitors. It will be the fault of those that stood with the cheaply bought traitors like Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer and against the great patriots like Roger Waters.

I doubt that Lavrov and Putin will fall for the same trick that took down Muammar Gaddafi. We are marching into a nuclear war.

This is a call to all decent civic minded people to stand up and be counted.


The nuclear wind is blowing
Blowing in the breeze
Your future relies on knowing
Knowing your true enemies...
It's time to buy some bullets
Because the valley's full of whores
If that candidate gets four more years
You'll get four more wars!

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