4 Feb 2018

‘Release The Memo’ Is A Political Stunt, I Want It Out Anyway

By Michael Krieger: Before I get started, I want to put my cards on the table. I don’t trust Republicans like Devin Nunes for a moment. He doesn’t care about the civil liberties of Americans, and it’s become clear to me the whole “release the memo” thing is largely a political stunt. I’m not claiming there isn’t anything important in there, but rather that they don’t have the best interests of the U.S. citizenry in mind.  Nevertheless, I’m very much in favor of it being released for a variety of reasons.
First, I want to offer a little advice. It’s always tempting to immediately take a side on whatever issue happens to be dominating the news cycle at any given moment, but this is typically a poor decision. One thing I’ve learned over the years is you should always wait at least a few days before coming to any sort of conclusion on most big stories being aggressively hyped by partisan pundits in the media.
From my seat, both Republicans and Democrats in Congress are being dishonest about the memo, which makes perfect sense because the vast majority of politicians in Washington D.C. are corrupt liars who pretend to hate each other while consistently passing bipartisan legislation to abuse the American public. If that’s not obvious to you by now, I don’t know what it’ll take.
Devin Nunes and other Republicans in the House of Representatives have been attempting to portray their push to release the memo as some sort of civil liberties crusade. They claim it’ll expose the criminality of the deep state and how it abuses its unconstitutional surveillance powers. Perhaps it will, but that’s not at all what’s driving the effort.
Here’s the problem. The exact same people who are now complaining about FISA and intelligence agency abuse (which is certainly happening) just voted to give the U.S. government more surveillance power. If you think this sounds extremely shady, you’re absolutely right.
With that in mind, take a listen to what Judge Andrew Napolitano had to say about the matter during a recent appearance on Fox News.
What does that tell you? It tells you these politicians who now claim to care about surveillance abuse coincidentally only happened to care after the anti-civil liberties FISA reauthorization passed. These so-called GOP freedom fighters didn’t make a stink about surveillance powers before Congress voted when it could’ve actually made a difference, but they waited until after. This tells you without a shadow of a doubt that this is a stunt to help Trump politically, not an effort to help the American public. More fake political wrestling. It’s really disgusting when you think about it.
All that said, I still want the memo released since I think some good could inadvertently emerge from it. Just because the GOP isn’t coming from an honest or decent place with this move, doesn’t mean it can’t result in a snowball effect which leads to serious and important revelations about how unaccountable intelligence agencies really operate.
What really got me thinking along these lines was a series of tweets by Democratic Senator Ron Wyden last evening. I found the following to be of particular interest.

This is precisely the sort of pressure all of us should be putting on Congress.
As Julian Assange accurately noted last summer:

Enough secrets, we deserve to know just how lawless our government is.

In Liberty,

Michael Krieger


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