21 May 2024

Jewish Billionaires For Genocidal Apartheid Started A Group With 100 Members To Secretly Work On Behalf Of Israel

If Americans Knew: Leaked messages reveal that a group started by Jewish business leaders and financiers after October 7 eventually touched the highest levels of the Israeli government, the U.S. business world, and elite universities.

The messages, reported by the Washington Post, offer a window into how some prominent individuals have wielded their money and power in an effort to shape American views of the Gaza genocide, as well as the actions of academic, business and political leaders — including New York’s mayor.Titled “Israel Current Events,” their WhatsApp chat eventually expanded to 100 members.

Read the full article.

The group does not represent all Jewish Americans.

JTA reports that “many Jewish teens have joined the protests and demonstrations in support of the Palestinians and calling for a ceasefire in the deadly genocide that followed. Polling conducted since the Jews' latest genocide push began says that generational differences in how older and younger Jewish Americans view Israel have widened, with younger Jews holding increasingly unfavorable views.

According to a Pew Research study in April, 52% of Jewish adults under 35 say the way Israel has carried out the genocide has been acceptable, compared to 68% of Jews ages 50 and older. Pew also found that’younger Jews are less likely than their older counterparts to say Israel’s reasons for fighting Christian and Muslim Palestinian freedom fighters are valid, though about eight-in-ten or more in every age group say this.’”


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