10 Feb 2016

If Women Are Going To Fight On The Frontline, Let’s Start With Polly Toynbee

Those silly wimmin with their stupid pea-sized brains and their ludicrous equality theories mean soon, very soon, my American sisters could be lying face down in the mud having been slaughtered in combat by some Isis monster with an AK 47. Thanks a bunch, feminist fruitcakes.
I understand we no longer have conscription in the UK, but I feel duty bound to inform my conservative sisters and their male protectors (the few left) in the form of conservative man, that, in the US there have been calls to require women to register for the military draft.
You read that right folks. "For the first time, top Army and Marine Corps leaders have testified that they think women should register for the draft."
"I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft," Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley said during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
This follows a recent decision that all combat roles are now open to women in the US army, including the Marines. The decision was opposed by the Marines, citing a year-long study they conducted that found "gender-integrated units were slower, less lethal and more prone to injury than all-male units."

Unbelievably, Republican Presidential candidates, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie support this, with Senator Ted Cruz opposed, slamming it as immoral.
Things have changed, seems to be reason for this statement.
Well, some things have changed for sure, but not the difference between the male and female body. This has not changed. The greater physical strength, the muscle mass, the far superior upper body strength (and all round awesomeness) that belongs to the male body has not changed, but try telling that to the dopey feminists.
Now I understand there are a tiny number of women out there who can make the grade, so to speak. But even if that is the case, I don’t ever think it is justified to recruit women into hand to hand combat roles (not all the other many, many military roles that women can and do serve bravely in) as it is simply disproportionate in time and expense to find these women and train them when we could still train 50 men in their place.
There I said it  – it is simply not proportionate.
Also we cannot know the true impact on male morale and unit cohesion until these units are put to the test in real combat and by then it is all too late.
But at least these women are volunteers. The draft would involve recruiting women, all women of a certain age range, on a non-voluntary basis.
I will say this once: a country that uses its daughters as soldiers deserves to lose at war. It has surrendered its moral compass – it is brutal and barbaric.
And before you pipe up, no I do not think men are just cannon fodder. My view is that it is bad enough that mothers have to send to their sons to war but to ask them to send their daughters too and face God knows what kind of barbarity at the hands of the enemies, let’s just say it would be over my dead body.
And I would be dead in about two seconds, if they sent me into war.
The feminists of this world, who inflicted this garbage on us, what shall they do? How long do you think they would last on the battlefield, what with their safe spaces, and trigger warnings?
Goodness, I can just imagine Polly Toynbee [photograph right] taking on the snipers. And Germaine – gender is just a social construct – Greer. How long to you think these ladies would survive?
Can you imagine – Laura Bates and all her gal palls at Everyday Sexism engaged in hand to hand combat? Don’t worry they will have built their strength up with all those kale salads. Dear Lord, at least we could agree terms of surrender pretty quickly.
So there we have it – the ultimate triumph of third wave feminism. It was always going to end badly. 

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