6 Nov 2016

Institutionalized ABR - The Voice Of Europe

Jon Gunnarsson, Lucian Vâlsan and James Huff going through the news of the latest insanities on the Old Continent. - ABR stands for Always Be Recording. The male employees in Norwegian kindergartens are requiring complete video surveillance at the workplace in order to stay clear of the looming threat of false allegations of child molestation - a threat wildly exacerbated by the general(ized) misandrist climate of the workplace, no doubt. In any event, news are moderately good this week as the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, endorses the upcoming International Men's Day - and in so doing becoming the first British PM to do so since the founding of the event.
Romanian feminists are having a bad week as the Eurostat report just announced that the country has virtually no pay gap whatsoever even though they had just complained about the lack of female-favoring legislation and affirmative action programs in the economy to allegedly redress the alleged imbalance.

These and other stories will be discussed at length in tonight's episode.

Anyway, so the stories discussed tonight are as follows:

Prime Minister and Government become first to endorse International Men’s Day

The Male Pill – the ultimate excuse for men to remain bachelors for longer

STUDIU România are cea mai mică diferenţă de salarizare între sexe

Drei Freisprüche - Richterin wirft Ermittlern grobe Fehler vor

Satte opp kameraer i barnehagen fordi mennene følte seg mistenkeliggjort

Row over BBC transgender programme aimed at children

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