5 Sept 2017

Being A Kept Man Is Bad For Your Health, New Study Reveals

By It turns out having a wife who is the main breadwinner is potentially dangerous for a husband's health.
Researchers found being a kept man, with a wife who is the primary earner, increases the chances of heart disease, strokes and type two diabetes.
Sociologists at Rutgers University in the US who carried out the study said the problems arise when the husband loses his role as chief earner.
Being superseded by a spouse in the income stakes seems to strike a heavy blow to men's health.
It's thought men suffer psychologically from being toppled from their position as main provider and that this has a knock-on effect on physical health.
The Rutgers team studied nearly 2,000 couples over 30 years, monitoring changes in earnings and status.
They found much higher rates of stress-related illness as well as heart problems and diabetes in men financially overtaken by their wives.
The harmful effects on husbands persisted irrespective of social class, suggesting low-income earners suffer just as much as those on mega salaries.
In a report on the findings researchers said: 'Wives increasingly out-earn their husbands and this may undermine men's well-being.
"We found that violating cultural expectations, such as the masculinity ideal of male breadwinning, is associated with older men's poorer health.'
Psychologist Professor Cary Cooper, from Manchester Business School, said most men still see their role as the main provider despite the huge increase in recent decades in the numbers of wives working.
'We like to talk about the role of 'new man' in the family structure, spending more time with the kids and less out at work.
'But the fact is most men still think they should be the primary breadwinner.
'When they no longer play that role, their health suffers psychologically and that in turns damages their physical health.
'And it's much worse if they have been made redundant.
'It will take generations before this mindset really changes.'
The findings were published in the Journal of Ageing and Health.

1 comment:

  1. Mind over matter my friends. If you're already a happy MGTOW or a fellow MHRA who's taken his RED PILL, once you know that our better role models say that their greatest fulfillment was raising their children these issues matter not, unless you are a sloth.

    Raising my daughter [especially for a slightly handicapped man like myself] is excellent exercise and extremely rewarding.

    Learn the lessons and consider how to negate the pitfalls, yes, but we already know to be aware of the agendas of corporate media and studies.

    Kept man? It's a state of mind that I couldn't have. I welcome a sugar mummy, preferably 15 years younger than my half a century.
