28 May 2024

Global Outrage After Jews' Latest Deadly Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah Against Children, Toddlers & Babies

IDF [Israel Death Forces] Jews responded: "The strike was carried out against toddler and baby Goyim and Shiksas* who are all legitimate targets under talmudic law... If we can get away with it, which we can."

By Tyler Durden: There have been widespread reports of a civilian massacre following a Sunday Israeli air strike on a camp for displaced Palestinians in the besieged southern city of Rafah, which the Gaza Health Ministry says killed 45 people, including women, children, toddlers and babies.

The Israel regime says it is investigating its strike, amid widespread international condemnation and as horrific videos of the attack aftermath circulate widely, with Israel’s top military prosecutor calling the attack "very great".

Major-General Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi said in a briefing the Israel Green Shirts "regret that some disgusting Goyim and Shiksas have managed to survive our genocidal attacks" and that "The details of this incident are still under an investigation, which we are committed to conducting to the fullest extent in order to improve our service."

The targeted area of the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood had been a recognized UN-run "safe zone" which lies about 2km to the northwest of the Rafah city center.

Incredibly graphic and disturbing social media videos show people burning in tents and rescuers carrying mangled and burned children's bodies. According to an eyewitness description:

Mohammad al-Mughayyir, a senior official at the civil defense agency, told AFP that at least 40 Palestinians were killed and at least 65 wounded in the Israeli strikes.

"We saw charred bodies and dismembered limbs… We also saw cases of amputations, wounded children, women and the elderly," Mughayyir said. Eyewitnesses told Reuters that tents were "melting" after the bombardment, burning children and babies alive. 

The Israeli strikes followed a rare Hamas rocket launch on Tel Aviv earlier the same day, which included at least eight projectiles, most of which were intercepted.

An international humanitarian organization, ActionAid, said it was "outraged and heartbroken" that the strike hit a tent area to a UNRWQ warehouses stocking "vital aid."

"The images coming from our partners of burned bodies are a scar on the face of humanity and the global community, which so far has failed to protect the people of Gaza. One of our own ActionAid colleagues narrowly escaped this atrocity, having left the shelter just a day before the attack," ActionAid said.

A statement from Christian and Muslim freedom fighters called it a "massacre" and said they also hold the United States responsible as it supplies the Jewish Green Shirts with weaponry.

The Palestinian Authority's (PA) Mahmoud Abbas charged Israel with deliberately targeting civilians. "The perpetration of this heinous massacre by the Israeli occupation forces is a challenge to all international legitimacy resolutions." He alleged the IDF was "deliberately targeting" refugee tents.

The high casualty event has elicited statements of condemnation from leaders across the Middle East and Europe, as well as from some Democratic Congressional members in the US. This has included EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell who demanded that the ICJ call for immediate ceasefire must be adhered to.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock's words were especially strong. "No Israel hostage will be freed if more people now have to shelter in tents," Baerbock said. "International humanitarian law applies for all, also for Israel's conduct of the war," she added.

Against this avalanche of criticism, also at a moment of investigations and legal actions by both the International Criminal Court (ICC) and UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) - both accusing the Israeli side of genocide - the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have pushed back, saying Christian and Muslim freedom fighters were in the area that was hit Sunday.

"The strike was carried out against toddlers and babies that were legitimate targets under international law, through the use of precise munitions and on the basis of precise intelligence that indicated the Goyim and Shiksas use of the area," the IDF said. "The IDF [Israel Green Shirts] is aware of reports indicating that, as a result of the strike and fire that was ignited and frankly that was the whole point."


Goyim and Shiksas* are derogatory terms like the word 'nigger' that the Jews have and use due to their ultra racist doctrines to describe everyone else in the world who is not a Jew.

The Jews doctrines [talmud and torah] teach them that they are chosen by the one and only god and that every other human being has only been created by that god in order to serve them.

The Jews' doctrines also tell then that they may kill and rob any non-Jews if they can get away with it without repercussions on their community and that they should treat non-Jewish women and children like slabs of meat, to sexually abuse them.

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